The Global Race for Talent in Switzerland. How to Explain Migration Policy Liberalisation to Allow International Students Staying after Graduation?
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nccr on the move ;14
Since the 1990s, Swiss immigration policies have placed more restrictions on non-EU nationals living and working in Switzerland. However, in 2011, based on the initiative of university professor and parliamentarian Jacques Neirynck, the Swiss Parliament approved a new law facilitating the admission and integration of non-EU nationals with a Swiss university degree. How can this policy openness in times of closure be explained? To address this question we examined <i>the narratives</i> crafted by Swiss parliamentarians during the parliamentarian debate - both in favour of and against the draft bill. The main methods used were qualitative analysis of the minutes of parliamentarian debates and in-depth interviews with key political actors. In light of our results, we propose a threedimensional approach to explain why immigration policy liberalisation occurs: (a) the effectiveness of the narratives crafted by policy elites to convince parliamentarians, (b) the appropriate conditions created by the <i>temporal and geographical context</i>, and (c) the <i>biographical capacity</i> of the policy initiators to effect policy change. Emerging from this multi-dimensional approach is a unique perspective of analysis which can be used to understand policy change in migration studies.
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