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    City Avoidance in the Early Phase of Psychosis: A Neglected Domain of Assessment and a Potential Target for Recovery Strategies
    Conus, Philippe
    Empson, Lilith Abrahamyan
    Baumann, Philipp Sebastien
    Söderström, Dag
    Golay, Philippe
    Background: A considerable amount of research has explored the link between living in an urban environment during childhood and the increased risk to develop psychosis. However, the urban milieu is more than a risk factor as it is also a place for socialization and enrichment. The aims of the current study were to explore, in a large sample of early psychosis (EP) patients, their pattern of use of the city, their perception when exposed to various critical stressors, and their sensitivity to diverse forms of stimuli. Methods: We sent a questionnaire (based on previous work conducted in a group of patients, including video-recorded walk-along in the city and a literature review) to 305 EP patients and to 220 medical students. Results: Response rate in patients was low (38%). City avoidance and negative perceptions towards the urban environment increased in patients after onset of psychosis. Patients’ tendency to avoid city center correlates with both problematic social interactions and stimuli perceived as unpleasant. Patients seemed less likely to enjoy urban spaces considered as relaxing, suggesting a lower capacity to benefit from positive aspects of this environment. Conclusions: The development of psychosis influences the way EP patients perceive the city and their capacity to feel at ease in the urban environment, leading to a high rate of city avoidance. Considering the possible influence of city avoidance on social relations and the recovery process, the development of strategies to help patients in this regard may have a significant effect on their recovery process.
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    Urban remediation: a new recovery-oriented strategy to manage urban stress after first-episode psychosis
    Baumann, Philipp S.
    Abrahamyan Empson, Lilith
    Söderström, Dag
    Golay, Philippe
    Birchwood, Max
    Conus, Philippe
    Purpose : Urban living is a major risk factor for psychosis. Considering worldwide increasing rates of urbanization, new approaches are needed to enhance patients’ wellbeing in cities. Recent data suggest that once psychosis has emerged, patients struggle to adapt to urban milieu and that they lose access to city centers, which contributes to isolation and reduced social contacts. While it is acknowledged that there are promising initiatives to improve mental health in cities, concrete therapeutic strategies to help patients with psychosis to better handle urban stress are lacking. We believe that we should no longer wait to develop and test new therapeutic approaches. Method : In this review, we first focus on the role of urban planning, policies, and design, and second on possible novel therapeutic strategies at the individual level. We review how patients with psychosis may experience stress in the urban environment. We then review and describe a set of possible strategies, which could be proposed to patients with the first-episode psychosis. Results : We propose to group these strategies under the umbrella term of ‘urban remediation’ and discuss how this novel approach could help patients to recover from their first psychotic episode. Conclusion : The concepts developed in this paper are speculative and a lot of work remains to be done before it can be usefully proposed to patients. However, considering the high prevalence of social withdrawal and its detrimental impact on the recovery process, we strongly believe that researchers should invest this new domain to help patients regain access to city centers.
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    An analysis of the July 2006 heatwave extent in Europe compared to the record year of 2003
    (2009) ;
    Dupont, Olivier
    Giroud, Marianne
    Recent analyses have identified summer warming trends in Europe in recent decades, culminating in 2003, when mean summer temperatures were exceptionally hot over much of Europe. Mean monthly temperatures were very high in July 2003 and reached record levels in both June and August. In 2006, the mean monthly temperature for July reached a record high. Our analysis of temperature observations shows that in July 2006, as in summer 2003, maximum temperatures were more abnormal than minimum values. The 2006 heatwave was located more to the north than in 2003, and particularly affected the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, France and Switzerland. The July 2006 anomalies were similar in magnitude to those of June and August 2003, but the discrepancy between minimum and maximum temperature anomalies was larger in 2006 compared to both June and August 2003. For maximum temperature, the affected land area by anomalies higher than 4-6 K was largest in July 2006, although the anomalies were higher in June and August 2003 at the most anomalous sites. In the north of Europe, the absolute monthly temperature values were higher in July 2006 compared to both June (also on the Iberian Peninsula) and August 2003.
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    Critical Mobilities
    (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013) ;
    Randeria, Shalini
    ; ;
    Panese, Francesco
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    Représentation médiatique des réfugiés climatiques
    (Paris: La Dispute, 2015)
    Depuis une vingtaine d’années, ceux que l’on nomme les « réfugiés climatiques» drainent l’attention des milieux académiques, des autorités publiques ainsi que des médias. Incarnant le « visage humain du changement climatique », cette catégorie de personnes est souvent présentée dans la presse par l’intermédiaire d’études de cas emblématiques. C’est par exemple le cas de la communauté de Khapi, située au pied des Andes boliviennes. En effet, différents médias internationaux (The New York Times, CNN, BBC, etc.) se sont intéressés au phénomène du retrait glaciaire dans cette région montagneuse et les villageois y sont présentés comme victimes du changement climatique, n’ayant souvent pas d’autre choix que de quitter leurs terres. Cet article s’intéresse aux discours portant sur ce village ainsi que sur les processus permettant d’expliquer cet engouement médiatique. L’analyse repose d’une part, sur l’examen d’un corpus d’articles de presse qui évoque cette population et d’autre part, sur un travail de terrain qui comporte des entretiens approfondis avec les acteurs qui prennent part au processus de médiatisation (journalistes, membre d’ONG, experts et habitants de la région). Cette recherche permet de mettre en évidence le rôle et les agendas d’acteurs impliqués dans le processus de médiatisation. En donnant voix aux habitants, ceux dont les témoignages sont relatés dans les médias, l’étude permet d’aller au delà de l’image simplificatrice et misérabiliste que l’on affecte souvent à ces témoins du changement climatique.
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    Réseaux d'innovation et dynamique territoriale : un essai de typologie
    (Paris: Economica Anthropos, 2006) ; ;
    Lecoq, Bruno
    Camagni, Roberto