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    De Cecilia Böhl a Fernán Caballero : del manuscrito a la publicación
    (Neuchâtel : Université de Neuchâtel, 2024-10-14) ;
    Cette thèse de doctorat contribue à la redécouverte de textes littéraires que Cecilia Böhl a composés dans sa jeunesse, des années avant qu’elle ne commence à publier ses œuvres à partir de 1849. Par ce travail, nous voulons participer au sauvetage de la période créative de Fernán Caballero avant 1849 et compléter la liste des œuvres sur lesquelles on sait qu’elle travaillait à cette époque. L’objectif de notre étude est de souligner l'importance de cette période créative avant la publication de ses œuvres à partir de 1849, ainsi que de mettre à disposition certains textes conservés dans les archives, qui n’ont pas été publiés, édités ou numérisés jusqu’à présent. L’étude de documents manuscrits inédits nous permet même de proposer une perspective inédite sur la production littéraire de Cecilia Böhl dans ses premières années de création littéraire entre 1820 et 1849, période qui précède sa carrière publique d’écrivaine sous le pseudonyme de Fernán Caballero. Il s’agit également de réconcilier ce corpus initial créé dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle et la production littéraire de sa jeunesse avec la période plus tardive de publication de ses œuvres à partir de 1849. Il ne s’agit pas de considérer ces périodes de création et de publication comme une division entre un ‘avant’ et un ‘après’, mais comme un processus continu qui se développe à travers plusieurs langues et qui voit la configuration progressive de la figure de Fernán Caballero. Avec ce travail, nous découvrons les outils techniques de l’autrice, avec lesquels elle se permet d’offrir une perspective différente sur la littérature. De plus, en étudiant la collaboration entre Cecilia Böhl et sa mère Francisca Larrea, nous offrons la possibilité d’explorer l'œuvre de ces écrivaines, ainsi que la représentation de la condition féminine dans la littérature du XIXe siècle grâce au penchant de l’autrice pour les personnages féminins et leurs trajectoires, ainsi que les thèmes et les intrigues qui touchent les femmes de son époque. En somme, nous voulons montrer que la Cecilia Böhl des débuts reste présente dans la voix de Fernán Caballero.
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    Beyond Crisis: Understandings of Vulnerability and Its Consequences in Relation to Intimate Partner Violence
    This article takes a closer look at intimate partner violence (IPV) and its semantical, political, and legal interactions with crisis and crisis discourse. Starting from the fact that IPV has been called a “shadow pandemic” and a “hidden crisis”, the article conceptualizes two parallel phenomena: how the COVID-19 pandemic — and crises in general — impact on IPV by exacerbating vulnerabilities and how crisis discourse has been mobilized to argue for a responsive state and strong positive obligations to combat and reduce IPV. The article then draws a parallel between crisis discourse and vulnerability reasoning, analyzing how vulnerability has played a similar role within the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and led the latter to develop a consistent strand of case law concretizing states’ positive obligations. The article also takes a critical stance, examining the risks of crisis discourse and vulnerability when viewed through a crisis lens. To counter these risks, it argues for a nuanced, structural, and dynamic understanding of vulnerability and a focus on resilience-building institutions and mechanisms. Within the ECtHR case law, this signifies elaborating upon the already existing positive obligations, including by taking inspiration from the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). Such an approach is necessary to leave behind the emergency time usually associated with crises and work toward lasting structural change.
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    Transnational Insights for Climate Litigation at the European Court of Human Rights: A South-North Perspective in Pursuit of Climate Justice
    Melanie Murcott
    Maria Antonia Tigre
    The global climate crisis is increasingly recognised as an issue of climate injustice, including because it is causing (and worsening) inequalities and human rights violations. Moreover, responsibility for emissions and vulnerability to climate impacts are not evenly distributed. They vary among and within states. In order to tackle these issues of justice both within and among states, litigants have taken to domestic and regional courts to engage in climate litigation. A body of transnational climate jurisprudence is emerging in which courts are increasingly looking to laws beyond their relevant state or region, engaging with the moral aims of human rights law, and solidifying international climate commitments. In adjudicating climate cases, courts have become important sites of climate justice. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) is currently adjudicating several important climate cases and could become a key player in responding to the climate crisis. From the point of departure that in a time of climate crisis courts have a crucial role to play in advancing climate justice, we conceptualise climate (in)justice and its significance in climate adjudication. Then, we examine how, in addressing questions of standing and transboundary harm, looking beyond the European Convention on Human Rights legal regime to the Global South (South Africa and the Inter-American System of Human Rights, respectively) could offer valuable transnational insights as the ECtHR adjudicates climate cases. In doing so we hope to contribute to the ongoing transnationalisation of climate jurisprudence.
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    Use of reference markers in the speech of people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Evidence from two referential communication tasks manipulating common ground with the interaction partner
    Amélie M. Achim
    Dominique Knutsen
    Marc-André Roy
    Souleymane Gadio
    Introduction: People with schizophrenia spectrum disorders present with language dysfunctions, yet we know little about their use of reference markers (indefinite markers, definite markers, pronouns or names), a fundamental aspect of efficient speech production. Methods: Twenty-five (25) participants with a recent-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SZ) and 25 healthy controls (HC) completed two referential communication tasks. The tasks involved presenting to an interaction partner a series of movie characters (character identification task) and movie scenes composed of six images (narration task). A manipulation was introduced such that half of the movies could be considered as Likely-Known by the interaction partner, whereas the other half was Likely-Unknown. The analyses focused on the reference markers used to present the movie characters during the tasks. Results: During the character identification task, the SZ group used fewer names and more pronouns than the HC. During the narration task, the SZ group used fewer names and more definite references when initially introducing the main story characters, while no group effect emerged for subsequent mentions of the characters. The observed effects of conditions were generally present across both groups, except for a lesser adjustment in the use of definite markers when introducing the story characters. Conclusions: While some group differences emerged, people with SZ were generally sensitive to the manipulation regarding their interaction partner's likely knowledge of the characters. A better understanding of the conditions in which speech production is affected in SZ could help promote more efficient communication.
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