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    «Unterschiedlich unterwegs» : Mapping der (Aus)Bildung für junge Geflüchtete mit Fokus auf spezifischer Integrationsförderung (IAS/KIP)
    (Neuchâtel : Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM), 2024-02)
    Bregoli, Andrea
    Auf eine Initiative von NCBI-Schweiz hin, den raschen und effektiven Zugang junger Geflüchteter zu (Aus)Bildung zu begünstigen, entstand das vorliegende Mapping zentraler Eckpunkte der spezifischen Integrationsförderung im Rahmen der Integrationsagenda Schweiz. Es thematisiert insbesondere die durchgehende Fallführung mit Potenzialabklärung, die Sprachförderung, die Zulassung zu den Hochschulen und Begleitmassnahmen zur Bildung, jeweils möglichst unter Berücksichtigung des Übergangs zu den Regelinstitutionen. Neben einer einhellig festgestellten Verstärkung des sprachlichen Förderangebots und einer gewissen Öffnung der nachobligatorischen Bildung dokumentiert die Studie auch vielfältige strukturelle Integrationshindernisse am Beispiel der sieben näher analysierten Kantone und liefert gleichzeitig Hinweise auf vielversprechende Praktiken. Trotz einzelner Annäherungen in Teilbereichen, ist die Integrationspolitik der Kantone sowie teilweise der Gemeinden sehr unterschiedlich unterwegs, was eine Herausforderung für die chancengerechte Förderung der geflüchteten Menschen darstellt.
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    Können wir uns aus der Klimakrise rauskonsumieren?
    Klimabewusster konsumieren geht immer. Wir können uns alle etwas anstrengen und einige unserer Konsumgewohnheiten ändern – zumal es nicht an Angeboten und Informationen dazu fehlt. Können wir uns also aus der Kli- makrise rauskonsumieren? Aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht gibt es grosse Vor behalte.
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    When Platforms Challenge Professions: A Clash Between Models of Professionalism Among Swiss Hoteliers?
    Muriel Surdez
    The sociology of professions has begun to study how digital platforms impact the status and skills of professionals. Our article expands on this line of research by exploring how platforms challenge professions and how professionals react by advocating different types of professionalism. Based on a case study of hoteliers in Switzerland, we look at how the rise of online travel agencies (OTAs) has affected this professional group. Drawing on an analysis of data gathered through interviews with hoteliers (owners, managers, representatives of associations), our findings identify divergent responses to how platforms have undermined the jurisdiction built up by hoteliers. They highlight impacts on the capacity for self-regulation and customer service skills. The article contributes to the literature by showing that platforms foster divisions within occupational groups. Some members use platform tools because they fit their model of management-oriented professionalism. Others distance themselves from them, adopting a defensive professionalism.
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    Dépeindre la finance comme une « force pour le bien » : analyse de discours du Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)
    Daniel Burnier
    Noé Kabouche
    Cet article s’intéresse au discours de l’industrie de l’investissement d’impact à travers le cas du Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), l’une des plus importantes organisations à faire la promotion de cette approche à travers le monde. À partir d’une analyse documentaire, nous décrivons le concept flou d’« investissement d’impact » qui se trouve au cœur de ce discours. Afin de favoriser la diffusion de ce concept et de son discours, le GIIN fait appel à deux techniques de « concrétisation » qui le rendent plus tangible : l’objectivation de l’impact social ou environnemental d’un investissement qui fait exister ce dernier à travers des mesures quantifiables et son exemplification, qui se focalise avant tout sur les investisseurs et leurs intentions plutôt que sur les entreprises bénéficiaires ou les populations et environnements visés in fine par ces investissements. Nous montrons enfin que ce concept est porté par un discours plus général qui est construit autour d’une logique dite « gagnant-gagnant ».
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    Local adaptation and ecological genetics of host-plant specialization in a leaf beetle
    Ballabeni, Pierluigi
    Gotthard, Karl
    Kayumba, Aline
    The tendency of insect species to evolve specialization to one or a few plant species is probably a major reason for the remarkable diversity of herbivorous insects. The suggested explanations for this general trend toward specialization include a range of evolutionary mechanisms, whose relative importance is debated. Here we address two potentially important mechanisms: (i) how variation in the geographic distribution of host use may lead to the evolution of local adaptation and specialization; (ii) how selection for specialization may lead to the evolution of trade-offs in performance between different hosts. We performed a quantitative genetic experiment of larval performance in three different populations of the alpine leaf beetle Oreina elongata reared on two of its main host plants. Due to differences in host availability, each population represents a distinctly different selective regime in terms of host use including selection for specialization on one or the other host as well as selection for utilizing both hosts during the larval stage.
    The results suggest that selection for specialization has lead to some degree of local adaptations in host use: both single-host population had higher larval growth rate on their respective native host plant genus, while there was no difference between plant treatments in the two-host population. However, differences between host plant treatments within populations were generally small and the degree of local adaptation in performance traits seems to be relatively limited. Genetic correlations in performance traits between the hosts ranged from zero in the two-host population to significantly positive in the single-host populations. This suggests that selection for specialization in single host populations typically also increased performance on the alternative host that is not naturally encountered. Moreover, the lack of a positive genetic correlation in the two host-population give support for the hypothesis that performance trade-offs between two host plants may typically evolve when a population have adapted to both these plants. We conclude that although there is selection for specialization in larval performance traits it seems as if the genetic architecture of these traits have limited the divergence between populations in relative performance on the two hosts.
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    Métadonnées seulement
    Plant cell biology
    (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002)
    Ceriotti, A.
    Paris, Nadine
    Hillmer, S.
    Frigerio, L.
    Vitale, A.
    Robinson, D. G.
    Lord, M. E.
    Davey, J.
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    Socialization: interactions between parents and children in everyday family life
    Keel, Sara
    Mondada, Lorenza
    This thesis is part of an interdisciplinary research project on the socialization of preschoolers. By adopting a Conversation Analytic (CA) approach informed by Ethnomethodology (EM), it offers a study of the socialization process as it takes place within everyday parent-child interactions. Based on a large audio-visual corpus featuring footage of eight French-speaking families filmed extensively in their homes, the study focuses on recorded examples of young children initiating interactive sequences by producing evaluative turns, such as “that’s beautiful”, “(I) like that”, and “yuck”. By taking into account the interactants’ articulation of embodied resources – talk, gaze, and gesture – the study aims, on the one hand, to describe how young children manage to produce evaluative turns that make a response by the addressed parent relevant; and to evidence how, through their participation in everyday interaction, young children acquire communicative skills and a sense of themselves as effective social actors. On the other hand, it seeks to examine parents’ most frequent responses – agreements, disagreements, or questioning repeats – and to look at the implications of these responses for the further course of action. Looking at how children’s evaluative actions – as attempts to communicate their normative position, and their affective implication with respect to the surrounding world – are treated in turn by the parents, reveals the parents’ emic understanding of their children’s participation in evaluating the world they commonly inhabit. Finally, the study of interactively produced evaluative sequences also allows some new light to be shed on the ways in which parents and children achieve shared understanding, and how they deal with delicate issues of alignment/disalignment, as well as with matters related to their respective membership categories.
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    Is a technical school a bridge between school and work? A Case study
    Exposé au Symposium «Identity dynamics in transitions» organisé par Tania Zittoun et Laurent Filliettaz, dans le cadre du Congrès: Research on vocational education and training conference