Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 240
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    The pleasure of thinking in human development
    Observing children and scientists clearly suggests that people may experience pleasure in thinking. Surprisingly, pleasure is rarely addressed in developmental psychology. The argument of the paper is that pleasure of thinking may play an important role in learning and development; it draws on secondary analysis of existing studies and theoretical work to ground this proposition. The paper first draws on classical observations of young children to highlight five modalities of pleasure in thinking: curiosity, functional pleasure, discovery, dialogical pleasure, and a meta-pleasure. It then examines the becoming of these pleasures during the school years, highlighting the conditions for these pleasures to develop. The paper then suggests that such pleasure can be pursued and cultivated during adulthood. Theoretical and empirical implications are finally highlighted.
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    Thematic engagements: Affects and learning in older age
    In this paper, we propose a sociocultural perspective to consider affects in older age. The psychology of learning throughout the whole life course, including in the life of older adults, suggest that affects play an important role. However, developmental psychology has paid little attention to affects in learning and development, and even less to these aspects in older age. We believe that it is important to examine affects in older age because of their centrality in the lifecourse; but how to account for them? We propose the notion of thematic engagement to highlight the role of affects in older persons' learning and development, and to designate transversal and pluri-thematic interests across activities and domains of knowledge, which enable us to show that some topics, domains or interests become more important than others for a given person across time. We base our claims on a longitudinal study of older people engaging in different activities at home, in their neighbourhood, as well as in a daycare centre for older people, and provide three dialogical exemplars. We finally highlight some theoretical and empirical implications of our proposition.
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    What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement
    Categorising certain forms of human movement as ‘migration’ and others as ‘mobility’ has far-reaching consequences. We introduce the migration–mobility nexus as a framework for other researchers to interrogate the relationship between these two categories of human movement and explain how they shape different social representations. Our framework articulates four ideal-typical interplays between categories of migration and categories of mobility: continuum (fluid mobilities transform into more stable forms of migration and vice versa), enablement (migration requires mobility, and mobility can trigger migration), hierarchy (migration and mobility are political categories that legitimise hierarchies of movement) and opposition (migration and mobility are pitted against each other). These interplays reveal the normative underpinnings of different categories, which we argue are too often implicit and unacknowledged.
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    The Pleasure of Thinking
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023-10-19)
    Tania Zittoun demonstrates that there is pleasure in thinking, and that the pleasure of thinking plays a key role in our lives – in the development of children, in learning, in adult life, and in ageing. Drawing on arts and philosophy, exploring research in developmental psychology, cultural psychology, and psychoanalysis, it highlights five modalities of thinking: curiosity, the functional pleasure of pursuing a task, the pleasure of discovery, the dialogical pleasure of thinking with others, and a meta-pleasure. This book proposes a unique integrative model of thinking, conceived as a situated activity, following trajectories that combine modalities of pleasure. Evolving with time, the pleasure of thinking can take place as we reason, make sense, or daydream, at school, at work, when we garden, or do science. Academics and graduate students in sociocultural, critical, developmental, and cognitive psychology will benefit from The Pleasure of Thinking.
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    Understanding women in mobility and their adjustment using a dialogical approach
    Gupta Ewering, Vrinda
    This research project aims to understand the adjustment mechanisms mobilised by women in a new sociocultural environment and the extent to which employment plays a role in affecting their process of transitioning. It does so by examining the experiences, perceptions, and negotiations of women in mobility, in essence, by considering individual aspects to broaden the scope beyond just studying the connection between employment and mobility. This study employs a visual method to qualitative research. Using a qualitative approach to dialogical analysis, this study examines the diverse voices captured within individuals' narratives through interviews and diary data, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of their experiences and perspectives to understand adjustment.
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    Le sentiment de confiance/méfiance du/de la/des modèle.s dans la relation dialogique photographe-modèle.s
    (Neuchâtel : Université de Neuchâtel, 2023-08-01) ;
    Ce travail de mémoire s’intéresse à l’effet de la relation photographe-modèle.s sur le sentiment de confiance/méfiance du/de la/des modèle.s. Afin de répondre à ce questionnement, deux entretiens individuels et cinq entretiens collectifs avec des modèles hommes, femmes et également enfants ont été menés. Avant cela, quatre entretiens exploratoires ont été réalisés auprès de deux photographes et deux modèles. De plus, je me suis moi-même engagée sur le terrain dans le cadre d’un shooting photographique durant lequel je me suis mise à la place d’un/une modèle. Ces deux étapes ont permis de dégager des pistes de recherches autour de la relation photographe-modèle.s qui ont été ensuite approfondies lors de la dernière phase empirique. Celles-ci ont mis en évidence la question du sentiment de confiance/méfiance et dès lors je me suis intéressée au sentiment de confiance/méfiance du/de la/des modèle.s dans le cadre d’un shooting photo. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une perspective dialogique et mobilise deux concepts principaux : la confiance/méfiance et le dialogue. Les notions de mot, d’Ego-Alter et de moralité dans la construction de sens sont également définies. En s’appuyant sur ces concepts, la recherche empirique montre que la relation photographe-modèle.s agit sur le sentiment de confiance/méfiance du/de la/des modèle.s par son asymétrie, mais également par son déplacement vers une relation symétrique. De plus, des notions comme le temps et le groupe ressortent comme des ressources qui renforcent le sentiment de confiance et/ou de méfiance du/de la/des modèles dans le cadre de la relation photographe-modèle.s.
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    Retraite sportive de haut niveau et processus de transition après-carrière : Enjeux identitaires et facteurs de risques pour l’individu
    Loric, Rossier
    Le thème de la retraite sportive recouvre un nombre d’enjeux considérables pour un sportif de haut niveau. Dans bien des cas, la retraite peut constituer une forme de rupture (identitaire, sociale, affective, …) et entrainer des événements très graves pour un individu qui n’y est pas préparé. La capacité à franchir cette étape cruciale sans dommage sera déterminante pour la suite de sa vie dans toutes ses sphères (professionnelle, émotionnelle, sociale, …). C’est précisément ce passage à la retraite, que nous avons nommé retraite sportive ou retraite sportive de haut niveau, et également le processus de transition qui y est lié, qui nous ont intéressé dans le cadre de ce document, ainsi que les différentes implications psychologiques que cela génère pour le sportif, qui deviendra alors un « ex-sportif ». Aussi, nous nous sommes intéressé aux dispositifs mis en place (ou inexistants) par les fédérations de sport en Suisse, ou par d’autres organismes, notamment en athlétisme, natation et ski alpin, afin de saisir comment un sportif de haut niveau qui arrête sa carrière est suivi, aidé, accompagné ou au contraire délaissé, abandonné. Nous avons également exploré le parcours de vie de certains sportifs, afin de pénétrer dans leur intimité et de nous rendre compte des facteurs importants qui les ont amenés à effectuer un processus de transition de telle ou telle manière, avec des conséquences sur la manière dont ils ont appréhendé et vivent la suite de leur parcours professionnel et de leur vie. Nous avons étudié au cours de ce travail quelles pouvaient être les implications psychologiques, sociales et identitaires de la retraite sportive de haut niveau sur un individu. Ce papier a une triple visée ; descriptive, d’un état des lieux de l’après-carrière du sport de haut niveau en Suisse ; préventive, de ce qui peut attendre un sportif qui vise une carrière de haut niveau une fois à la retraite ; et suggestive, de solutions pour améliorer la situation actuelle et la prise de conscience des acteurs concernés.
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    Integrative perspectives on human development: dynamic and semiotic
    Werner Greve argues for an abstract and integrative theory of development; to progress toward such a theory, he suggests that evolutionary psychology can provide concepts for a processual approach to adaptation. To complement this perspective, I propose to start where the author finishes: the need to further qualify change, and to account for information. Considering ruptures and sense-making as cornerstones of a developmental approach, I recall that open dynamic approaches offer a metatheoretical frame for an integrative developmental psychology, and that cultural approaches already and always account for meaning-making to start with. Assuming these two givens, a variety of integrative propositions account for stability and change; I present an historical example, the work of Gordon Allport, and a current one, our work as sociocultural psychologists, to show how the theoretical and heuristic interest of this proposition.
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    A New Housing Mode in a Regional Landscape of Care: A Sociocultural Psychological Study of a Boundary Object
    The study of ageing, which received growing attention over the past 30 years, has progressively realised the importance of the cultural, historical, and socio-economical environment for the various courses of ageing. However, we believe that it could be further conceptualised. First, we propose to enrich it through the notion of “landscape of care” developed by geography. Second, the distinction developed by sociocultural psychologists between sociogenesis, microgenesis, and ontogenesis is useful to articulate different scales of the landscape of care and to consider individual trajectories. Finally, the notion of boundary object leads us to discuss how a specific object might play a bridging function in this landscape. We draw on a regional case study carried out in a Swiss canton where the building of “flats with referees” is part of a new policy that aims at adapting the care and support network to demographic change and to favour ageing in place. Our hypothesis is that these flats may have a function of boundary object as they lead various actors to collaborate. Based on observations, desk research, and interviews, the study shows that on a sociogenetic level, these flats have a bridging function. However, on ontogenetic and microgenetic levels, divergences and misunderstandings hinder these flats to fully achieve this function. By examining the changes in the landscape of care, this article contributes to a better understanding of people’s trajectories within their sociocultural environments.