Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 21
  • Publication
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    Between Social Structure Inertia and Changing Biographies: Trajectories of Material Deprivation in Switzerland
    (Cham, Switzerland: SpringerOpen, 2018) ; ; ;
    In contemporary societies, attaining a decent standard of living which allows people to lead a socially integrated life is a key issue for human rights and social policy. In a context in which social structures are more porous yet still quite powerful, the risk of poverty is influenced both by the inertia of these structural determinants and by uncertain life events. This contribution analyzes trajectories of material deprivation in Switzerland from 1999 to 2013 using data from the Swiss Household Panel. We describe the trajectories the households experienced and test the impact of various determinants of these trajectories. We challenge the robustness of previous results by developing innovative measures of the determinants by gathering information at the household level and by taking into account changes in the situation of the households over time. Our findings suggest that some of the claims that have been made regarding the individualization of social inequalities and the decline of social class are not confirmed empirically, and that the classical determinants of social inequalities remain powerful predictors. Sure enough, critical life events can have an impact; however, the scale of this impact is nowhere near as great as the effect of ‘classical’ poverty factors.
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    Explaining the Decline in Subjective Well-Being Over Time in Panel Data
    (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017) ; ;
    This volume analyses the quantification of the effect of factors measuring subjective well-being, and in particular on the metrics applied. With happiness studies flourishing over the last decades, both in number of publications as well as in their exposure, researchers working in this field are aware of potential weaknesses and pitfalls of these metrics. Contributors to this volume reflect on different factors influencing quantification, such as scale size, wording, language, biases, and cultural comparability in order to raise awareness on the tools and on their conditions of use. In the contribution, we examine to what extent the decline in SWB in longitudinal data is a robust result showing an actual decrease or reflect some specific methodological artefacts of these data. We identified more precisely four possible methodological issues: non-random attrition (NRA), panel conditioning (PC), sample refreshment and aging of participants. We discuss the effect of these methodological issues on the measured evolution of SWB, that shows a different trend once these issues are neutralized.
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    Considering the various data sources, survey types and indicators: To what extent do conclusions regarding changing income inequality in Switzerland since the early 1990s converge?
    (Zürich: Seismo, 2016) ; ; ; ; ;
    Franzen, Axel
    Jann, Ben
    Joppke, Christian
    Widmer, Eric
    We compared time series of eight different data sources (HBS, SLFS, SESS, SHP, SILC, SHS, SPS, tax data) and calculated various inequality measures (Gini coefficient, Atkinson coefficient, Theil’s T, MLD, SCV, p90/p10, p80/p20, p50/p10, p90/p50) for the period from 1990 to 2012. While the level of inequality varies strongly across surveys, the results concerning the evolution over time are rather coherent. For disposable household income, inequality has remained stable, but evolves parallel to the business cycle of the Swiss economy. For individual employment income, findings across datasets are less consistent.
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    Les inégalités en Suisse posent la question des données
    La Suisse connaît traditionnellement un niveau d’inégalité élevé en comparaison internationale. Contrairement à de nombreux autres pays, celui-ci s’est peu modifié depuis 1990 en ce qui concerne le revenu des ménages. Il suit une évolution globalement parallèle aux cycles conjoncturels. Combiner différentes sources de données permet de nuancer ce constat. D’une part, l’inégalité a augmenté au niveau des salaires individuels : l’évolution des très hauts revenus y participe clairement, ainsi que d’autres phénomènes, comme l’emploi féminin. D’autre part, la plupart des données sur les ménages couvrent mal les plus riches et les plus pauvres, ce qui augmente artificiellement la stabilité mesurée. Plusieurs mécanismes permettent de réduire l’impact des inégalités salariales sur le revenu des ménages, en particulier la fiscalité et la protection sociale. Toute réforme dans ces domaines agit donc sur les inégalités. Version allemande: Ungleichheit in der Schweiz – auch eine Frage der Daten (traduction seco).
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    Privation et risque d'appauvrissement en Suisse, 1999-2007
    Un accroissement de la pauvreté et des conditions de vie précaires est souvent évoqué en Suisse depuis plusieurs années. Cet article teste l'hypothèse d'un tel appauvrissement en recourant à une analyse longitudinale des données 1999–2007 du Panel suisse de ménages et en utilisant un indice de privation relative pour mesure la pauvreté. Les résultats montrent qu'au niveau de l'ensemble de la population, aucune tendance à l'appauvrissement ne se laisse observer ces dernières années. L'analyse des transitions individuelles entre forte privation, précarité et confort matériel indique par contre qu'une part importante de la population suisse se trouve confrontée à une pauvreté persistante ou récurrente.
  • Publication
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    Sozialbericht 2008. Der Schweiz vermessen und verglichen
    (Zürich: Seismo, 2009) ;
    Perrenoud, Silvia
    Levy, René
    Joye, Dominique
  • Publication
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    Rapport social 2008. La Suisse mesurée et comparée
    (Zürich: Seismo, 2009) ;
    Perrenoud, Silvia
    Levy, René
    Joye, Dominique
  • Publication
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    Swiss social report 2008: Switzerland measured and compared
    (Zürich: Seismo, 2009) ;
    Perrenoud, Silvia
    Levy, René
    Joye, Dominique
  • Publication
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    "Stell dir vor, du bist der Chef und niemand kann dich entlassen". Die selbständige Erwerbstätigkeit von Migrant/innen in der Schweiz
    (Konstanz: UVK, 2007)
    Juhasz Liebermann, Anne
    Hettlage, Raphaela
    ; ;
    Juhasz Liebermann, Anne
    Magnin, Chantal