Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 15
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    Between Social Structure Inertia and Changing Biographies: Trajectories of Material Deprivation in Switzerland
    (Cham, Switzerland: SpringerOpen, 2018) ; ; ;
    In contemporary societies, attaining a decent standard of living which allows people to lead a socially integrated life is a key issue for human rights and social policy. In a context in which social structures are more porous yet still quite powerful, the risk of poverty is influenced both by the inertia of these structural determinants and by uncertain life events. This contribution analyzes trajectories of material deprivation in Switzerland from 1999 to 2013 using data from the Swiss Household Panel. We describe the trajectories the households experienced and test the impact of various determinants of these trajectories. We challenge the robustness of previous results by developing innovative measures of the determinants by gathering information at the household level and by taking into account changes in the situation of the households over time. Our findings suggest that some of the claims that have been made regarding the individualization of social inequalities and the decline of social class are not confirmed empirically, and that the classical determinants of social inequalities remain powerful predictors. Sure enough, critical life events can have an impact; however, the scale of this impact is nowhere near as great as the effect of ‘classical’ poverty factors.
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    Explaining the Decline in Subjective Well-Being Over Time in Panel Data
    (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017) ; ;
    This volume analyses the quantification of the effect of factors measuring subjective well-being, and in particular on the metrics applied. With happiness studies flourishing over the last decades, both in number of publications as well as in their exposure, researchers working in this field are aware of potential weaknesses and pitfalls of these metrics. Contributors to this volume reflect on different factors influencing quantification, such as scale size, wording, language, biases, and cultural comparability in order to raise awareness on the tools and on their conditions of use. In the contribution, we examine to what extent the decline in SWB in longitudinal data is a robust result showing an actual decrease or reflect some specific methodological artefacts of these data. We identified more precisely four possible methodological issues: non-random attrition (NRA), panel conditioning (PC), sample refreshment and aging of participants. We discuss the effect of these methodological issues on the measured evolution of SWB, that shows a different trend once these issues are neutralized.
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    Le bien-être subjectif en Suisse au début du 21e siècle : évolution et déterminants
    (2015) ;
    Simona Moussa, Jehane
    Le bien-être subjectif, hautement lié à la notion de qualité de vie, est une thématique qui se retrouve souvent au cœur des préoccupations politiques et les recherches sur le sujet se sont multipliées rapidement depuis les années 1980. L’étude de l’évolution du bien-être subjectif apparaît alors d’autant plus importante qu’elle est à même d’apporter des informations intéressantes sur l’état de notre société.
    Cette note a deux objectifs principaux. Premièrement, il s’agit de proposer des indicateurs du bien-être subjectif individuel et sociétal qui puissent être mesurés en Suisse dans le temps et, dans le même temps, contribuer au débat sur les qualités psychométriques de ces indicateurs. Pour ce faire, nous avons examiné les problèmes méthodologiques liés aux mesures de satisfaction avec la vie, soit leur qualité intrinsèquement subjective, le nombre de variables nécessaires, la nature de ces variables – mesures globales ou par domaines de vie – et enfin les problèmes liés aux phénomènes d’adaptation. Les données du Panel Suisse de Ménages nous ont permis de créer différents indicateurs du bien-être subjectif. Les analyses menées à partir des données 2005 soutiennent le fait que le bien-être subjectif compte deux dimensions – individuelle et sociétale – et qu’il s’agit de construits liés mais bien distincts. Nous avons pu mesurer l’évolution dans le temps du bien-être subjectif individuel, mais cela n’a pas pu être fait pour le bien-être subjectif sociétal, les données nécessaires n’étant pas disponibles pour chaque année.
    Deuxièmement, il s’agit d’étudier, en 2000 et en 2012, les déterminants du bien-être subjectif en Suisse, soit les variables susceptibles de l'influencer. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé les indicateurs du bien-être subjectif individuel construits dans la première partie de cette note. De manière générale, quelle que soit l'opérationnalisation du bien-être subjectif individuel et quelle que soit l’année considérée, les deux grandes catégories de variables explicatives sont les déterminants liés à la santé (c.-à-d. état de santé, limitation d’activité pour raison de santé, changement de l’état de santé et problèmes psychosomatiques) et les déterminants liés à la situation financière (c.-à-d. standard de vie et précarité financière).
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    Prospective study evaluating the predictability of need for retreatment with intravitreal ranibizumab for age-related macular degeneration
    Juhasz Liebermann, Anne
    Purpose To investigate the rhythm and predictability of the need for retreatment with intravitreal injections of ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).
    Methods This prospective study enrolled 39 patients with treatment-naïve nAMD. After three loading doses of intravitreal ranibizumab, patients underwent an intensified follow-up for 12 months (initially weekly, then with stepwise increases to every 2 weeks and to monthly after each injection). Patients were retreated on an as-needed basis if any fluid or increased central retinal thickness (CRT) (>50μm) was found on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Statistical analysis included patients who received at least two retreatments (five injections).
    Results A mean of 7.5 injections (range 0–12) were given between months 3 and 15. The mean visual acuity increased by 13.1 and 12.6 ETDRS letters at months 12 and 15 respectively. Two or more injection–retreatment intervals were found in 31 patients. The variability of their intra-individual intervals up to 14 weeks was small (SD 0–2.13 weeks), revealing a high regularity of the retreatment rhythm. The SD was correlated with the mean interval duration (r = 0.89, p < 0.001). The first interval was a good predictor of the following intervals (regression coefficient =0.81). One retreatment criterion was stable in 97 % of patients (cysts or subretinal fluid).
    Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate a high intra-individual predictability of retreatment need with ranibizumab injections for nAMD. These findings may be helpful for developing individualized treatment plans for maintained suppression of disease activity with a minimum of injections and visits.
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    Segregation or Integration? Immigrant Self-Employment in Switzerland
    Juhasz Liebermann, Anne
    This article investigates whether immigrant self-employment is related more to segregation in the labour market than work as an employee (making it justifiable to speak of ethnic business) or whether, on the contrary, it reflects equality with the self-employment by the Swiss. The distinctive features of this research design are the comparison of ethnic segregation in the labour market with gender-specific segregation and the fact that, apart from migrants of the first generation, members of the second generation are also taken into consideration. The analyses show, firstly, that large differences exist between the various groups of migrants and that three patterns in immigrant self-employment become apparent. While for one person self-employment brings greater adjustment to the Swiss in comparison with working as an employee, for another it is associated with greater segregation. The third pattern reveals that self-employment can be an expression of “superstratification” (Überschichtung). Secondly, the analyses indicate that, for the self-employed, gender-specific horizontal and vertical segregation tends to be smaller than for employees. However, in the upper positions of the social space, greater gender-specific inequalities can be observed than in the lower positions, thus making “class” and “gender” intersect as structural categories of social inequality.
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