Voici les éléments 1 - 7 sur 7
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    From Collective Centres to Private Accommodation: Housing Trajectories of Asylum Migrants in Switzerland
    (Neuchâtel : MAPS, Université de Neuchâtel, 2023)
    Julie Lacroix
    The housing situation of refugees and asylum seekers has recently attracted political attention due to the shortage of appropriate accommodation and the increased use of underground bunkers as a temporary solution. Asylum migrants encounter many obstacles in accessing the private sector of the housing market; thus, local authorities play an active role in shaping opportunities for social inclusion. Using the Swiss population register (2012-2019) for complete cohorts of asylum migrants, this study analyses the transitions from collective (communal) centres to private housing from the deposition of an asylum claim and during the first eight years in the country. Cox models for interval-censored data show the association between individual and contextual factors and the speed of access to private housing. Despite the quasi-autonomous management of refugee housing by region (cantons), priority rules regarding access to private housing were found to apply across the country. When choosing between different profiles, women, older asylum migrants, married individuals, and members of larger national groups are favoured in obtaining access to private housing. Nevertheless, the time spent in collective centres largely depends on the region to which a claimant is assigned, pointing to the minimal agency asylum migrants have during their first years of residence. Focusing on the early stages of the residential trajectory of asylum migrants this study provides insights into the logistics of housing attribution and different rationales governing these procedures.
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    Dans la jungle des permis de séjour. Parcours administratifs et intégration professionnelle des réfugiés en Suisse
    (Zurich et Genève: Éditions Seismo, 2020)
    Plongée dans les méandres du système de l’asile, cette étude propose de suivre les trajectoires des réfugiés à partir de leur arrivée en Suisse. S’appuyant sur une compilation de données issues de la statistique publique, l’auteure met en évidence les désavantages chroniques auxquels sont confrontés les réfugiés sur le marché du travail, tant durant la procédure d’asile qu’après l’obtention d’un permis de séjour stable. Les droits attachés à chaque permis façonnent ainsi la vie des individus, affectant profondément et durablement leurs chances d’intégration professionnelle.
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    Refugees’ Trajectories in Switzerland: Impact of Residence Permits on Labour Market Integration
    Life course trajectories of refugee populations in European countries highly depend on the various statuses and residence permits that are assigned to them. Taking the case study of Switzerland, this article aims at showing the impact of the legal framework on refugees’ chances of labour market integration. The term “refugee” here refers to all the individuals who came to Switzerland seeking asylum, no matter the outcome of the asylum procedure – and not only to those who obtained the status as defined by the 1951 Geneva Convention. In this study, the longitudinal follow-up of the individuals is made possible by the matching of data from several population registers. From a descriptive point of view, sequence analysis allows the visualization of refugees’ trajectories from their arrival in the country – in terms of both residence permits and of labour market participation. Survival analysis models then show the concordance between the administrative status and the economic status, the access to more stable permits increasing significantly the chances of labour market integration. As a consequence, those who remain for many years with the most precarious permits (asylum seekers and provisionally admitted persons) go through a process of cumulative disadvantage. Although the economic vulnerability of refugees has been highlighted previously, this paper shows that within the refugee population, the host countries’ legislation creates an additional hierarchy, based on the residence permits, that further widens inequalities.
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    Die ausländerrechtliche Administrativhaft in Zahlen
    Zur Sicherstellung des Wegweisungsvollzugs einer ausländischen Person können die Kantone die Administrativhaft anordnen, sofern diese als verhältnismässig eingestuft wird und keine weniger einschneidende Massnahmen infrage kommen. Die Inhaftierung von abgewiesenen oder sich in einem Dublin-Verfahren befindenden Asylsuchenden sowie von Personen mit irregulärem Aufenthalt sollte somit nur als letztes Mittel und so kurz wie möglich erfolgen. Doch wie sieht die Praxis aus?
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    La détention administrative de personnes étrangères en chiffres
    En vue d’assurer l’exécution du renvoi d’une personne étrangère, les cantons peuvent utiliser la détention administrative lorsqu’elle est jugée proportionnelle et qu’une autre mesure moins coercitive ne peut être appliquée. La détention des requérant·e·s d’asile débouté·e·s ou en procédure Dublin ainsi que des personnes en situation de séjour irrégulier devrait donc être utilisée en dernier ressort et être aussi brève que possible. Mais qu’en est-il en pratique ?
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    Administrative Detention of Foreign Nationals in Figures
    For carrying out the removal of a foreign national, cantons may enforce administrative detention where this respects the principle of proportionality, and no other less coercive measure is available. The detention of asylum seekers whose application has been denied or under the Dublin procedure, and of persons residing irregularly in Switzerland, should therefore be applied as a last resort, and for the shortest possible time. But what is the situation in practice?