Elmiger, Daniel
Elmiger, Daniel
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- PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libreKünstlerInnen, Mitarbeiter(innen) und Vertreter/-innen: Sprachnormabweichende Formen in Schweizer Behördentexten(2017)
;Alghisi, Alessandra; ;Schaeffer-Lacroix EvaTunger, VeneraIl contributo si inserisce nel quadro di un progetto di ricerca che esamina in che modo le politiche orientate al pari trattamento linguistico di donna e uomo vengono attuate nei testi giuridicoamministrativi della Svizzera plurilingue. Le nostre indagini si basano su un corpus costituito dai testi del Foglio Federale pubblicati nelle tre lingue ufficiali a partire dalla fine del 1800. In questo articolo, ci concentriamo sulle soluzioni linguistiche il cui uso è sconsigliato dalle direttive in lingua tedesca. In particolare, ci chiediamo se le forme non ammesse nei manuali siano attestate nei testi ufficiali e quali possano essere le ragioni di un eventuale scarto tra la teoria e la pratica. La questione è affrontata da tre angolazioni: le forme divergenti rispetto alle norme linguistiche sono rilevate attraverso gli strumenti della linguistica dei corpora; le cause a cui sono riconducibili determinati usi sono indagate a partire da un approccio di linguistica testuale; la prospettiva interna degli attori viene, infine, messa in luce mediante interviste con i responsabili per la redazione di testi burocratici. Le nostre analisi mostrano, da un lato, una generale osservanza delle norme linguistiche; dall’altro, esse evidenziano come l’attività di stesura dei testi sia influenzata da una molteplicità di fattori, da cui può derivare di fatto una prassi eterogenea. - PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libreFrequency Dictionary French / Dictionnaire de fréquence du français(Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013)
;Eckart, Thomas; ; Quasthoff, UweThe Frequency Dictionaries series aims at producing dictionaries with comparable frequency data for a large number of different languages. For many of the languages featured in this collection, this series is the first comprehensive compilation to use a large-scale empirical base. The dictionaries are available in both print and electronic versions. Each dictionary provides the 1,000 most frequent word forms in order of frequency and the 10,000 most frequent word forms in alphabetical order. They provide an introductory description of the data and the methodological approach used. In addition, language-specific statistical information is provided with regard to letters, word structure and structural changes. The enclosed CD-ROM contains a more comprehensive version of the dictionary as an e-book. This includes data on the relative frequency of up to 1,000,000 word forms presented in alphabetical order. The number of word forms for a particular language depends on the size and composition of the corpus used. This list of words (with frequency classes) is also available as a plain text file on the CD-ROM and is ordered both alphabetically and by frequency. Using this file, word lists for various applications can be generated easily. The word forms in the printed part of the dictionary have been checked carefully by hand to identify incorrect forms or words that are spelled according to the new spelling rules. In contrast, the more comprehensive list on the CD-ROM has been inspected by means of automatic plausibility criteria alone. For the compilation, comprehensive electronically available sources of the Leipzig Corpora Collection were used consistently. The corpora on which the individual frequency dictionaries are based include newspaper texts, Wikipedia articles and other randomly collected texts available on the Internet. They can be accessed online at http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/. This series of dictionaries provides the opportunity to explore comparative linguistic topics and such monolingual issues as studies on word formation and frequency-based examinations of lexical areas for use in dictionaries or language teaching. The statistical results presented here can offer initial suggestions for several areas of research. - PublicationAccès libreEOLE et patois. Education et ouverture aux langues patrimoniales(Neuchâtel: IRDP, 2012)
;De Pietro, Jean-François; ; ; ; ; Wüthrich, Sébastien - PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libreVon Dozierenden und Emeritierenden: substantivierte Partizip-I-Formen im heutigen Deutsch(2011)En allemand, à l’instar des adjectifs, les participes substantivés permettent de créer des noms communs de personne à partir de tous les verbes. Ces formes, qui se déclinent comme des adjectifs, sont souvent utilisées pour éviter le masculin à valeur générique car, au pluriel, elles sont neutralisées par rapport au genre. Le présent article expose la formation des participes présents substantivés (ainsi que leur utilisation pour un langage "non sexiste") et il étudie leur fréquence dans un très grand corpus de textes allemands (projet COSMAS II). Il s’avère que de très nombreuses formations occasionnelles se trouvent dans les textes des 20 dernières années et que du point de vue morphologique, certaines formes ne se laissent pas simplement expliquer par une substantivation d’un verbe (ou d’un syntagme verbal)
- PublicationAccès libreZweisprachig durch Immersionsunterricht ? Definitionen von Zweisprachigkeit und ihre Relevanz im bilingualen Sachfachunterricht(2010)
; The use of authentic documents is very common in bilingual programmes, which have become more and more frequent in Swiss colleges since the middle of the 1990s. However, this material is used in a context which, especially at first sight, may appear a bit artificial. In such a tuitional setting, the way in which teachers and learners characterise the language of immersion and position themselves against it is highly significant: Is this language seen as a "foreign language", as a "partner language" or as a "personal language"? Do the students consider themselves as more and more efficient users that make use of a bi- or multilingual repertoire, and are they seen as such by their teachers? Working on data collected for a research project on immersion teaching in colleges, we will on the one hand analyse how teachers and learners define the concept of bilingualism and how this concept is used by actors in the context of immersion teaching. On the other hand, we will also consider to what extent the definition of bilingualism could be relevant for the way the students see themselves in a bilingual programme, as well as the way they are perceived from the outside.