Voici les éléments 1 - 8 sur 8
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    A Review of Transnational Migrant Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Unequal Spatialities
    The spatialities of migrant entrepreneurship have changed dynamically in recent decades. Movements and exchanges transcend national borders more than ever, and transnational migrant entrepreneurship has become a burgeoning field of research. Yet, knowledge is dispersed across disciplines, and an understanding of contemporary spatialities is limited. We review 155 articles published in English, French, German, and Spanish since 2009, thereby providing an overview of existing knowledge on transnational migrant entrepreneurship and suggesting avenues for future research. We identify five current topical areas of research: (1) the business advantages of transnational migrant entrepreneurship, (2) the determinants of becoming a transnational migrant entrepreneur, (3) the transnational networks of migrants, (4) the economic impacts of transnational migrant entrepreneurship on home and host countries, and (5) whether local environments enable or deter entrepreneurial success. Building on our synthesis of the most recent literature, we propose three crucial dimensions which have been under-researched in past and current work, and which address the diversity of geographical locations, spatial connections, and spatial mobilities involved in transnational migrant entrepreneurship. Moreover, we put forward a set of questions for future research which will advance a comprehension of unequal opportunities among transnational migrant entrepreneurs.
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    Spatial Mobility Capital: A Valuable Resource for the Social Mobility of Border-Crossing Migrant Entrepreneurs?
    Spatial mobility is considered a valuable resource for social mobility. Yet, we still have an insufficient understanding of the extent to which and under what conditions geographical movement across national borders represents an asset for social advancement. Addressing this research gap, we offer a theoretical contribution to the fields of transnationalism, migration/mobility, and social geography. We focus on 86 cross-border migrant entrepreneurs who live in Barcelona (Spain), Cúcuta (Colombia), and Zurich (Switzerland), and combine geographical and mental maps, biographical interviews, ethnographic observations, and participatory Minga workshops. Our results show significant inequality in opportunity among the studied entrepreneurs and reveal different geographies of risk and uncertainty for their cross-border mobilities. We theoretically propose that the ability to use spatial mobility as a resource for social mobility depends largely on three intersecting factors: the entrepreneur’s social position, his or her location in geographical space, and his or her strategies. Moreover, we have formulated the concept of spatial mobility capital to define the necessary conditions for spatial mobility to become a valuable resource for social advancement: individuals must be in control of their spatial mobilities, such mobilities need to match their socio-economic needs and personal aspirations, and they must be able to move safely.
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    LIVING THE DREAM? Ou l'odyssée d'une migrante entrepreneuse
    (Neuchâtel: Université de Neuchâtel, nccr-on the move, 2022) ; ; ;
    Leveugle, Jean
    Le rêve entrepreneurial, c’est pour qui ? Faut-il être une entrepreneuse innovatrice et à succès pour être accueillie en Suisse ? Luisa, créatrice de mode colombienne installée à Zurich, se pose des questions. Au fil de ses expériences et rencontres, elle prend conscience des obstacles qui jalonnent le parcours entrepreneurial et nuance les récits simplistes de réussite. La bande-dessinée est issue d’un projet de recherche réalisé à l’Université de Neuchâtel.
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    Transnational migrant entrepreneurs: understanding their dependencies, fragilities, and alternatives
    Recent research highlights that the activities of migrant entrepreneurs increasingly extend beyond national borders, thus making them relevant actors of globalization. Nevertheless, the socio-spatial conditions that frame their cross-border activities are still poorly understood. The aim of this article is twofold: first, we apply the lens of ‘globalization from below’ to study small-scale transnational migrant entrepreneurs (TMEs), thereby providing new insights into less visible globalization processes; second, we show that TMEs are not simply free economic agents but depend on connections in local and transnational spaces. Inspired by the literature on dependencies and feminist approaches, we develop a typology to address the following research question: Under which conditions is relying on others beneficial for transnational migrant entrepreneurship, and under which conditions does it lead to precariousness? Building on 86 semi-structured interviews in Colombia, Spain, and Switzerland, we uncover the diverse nature ofdependencies and reveal the unequal opportunities TMEs face.
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    International students in Switzerland:: trajectories, stay rates, and intentions for post-graduate mobility
    (2019) ; ; ;
    van Mol, Christof
    Wiers-Jenssen, Jannecke
    L'augmentation de la mobilité internationale des étudiants (MIE) est devenue l'une des principales caractéristiques de la migration contemporaine. Dans un contexte de mobilité mondiale croissante et de mondialisation de l'enseignement supérieur, la migration internationale des étudiants vers la Suisse est en train de changer de manière significative, tant de par son ampleur que dans sa spécificité. La mobilité des étudiants étrangers, en raison de leur importance dans les flux migratoires actuels, fait l'objet d'une attention accrue dans les études sur les migrations et les débats politiques. Cette thèse donne un éclairage sur le caractère et la dynamique de la MIE en analysant les trajectoires migratoires des étudiants étrangers en Suisse. L'étude vise à découvrir des schémas et à identifier les facteurs qui ont une incidence positive ou négative sur les taux de séjour des étudiants étrangers et leur intégration subséquente dans le marché de l'emploi suisse, propose un cadre pour la mobilité des étudiants et, enfin, en discute les résultats dans le contexte actuel des changements en matière de politiques et débats migratoires, en incluant un regard sur les politiques migratoires en dehors de Suisse. Cette thèse est composée de quatre sections qui attirent l'attention sur a) les taux de séjour des étudiants étrangers, b) l'intention de rester en Suisse en tenant compte du statut de partenaire, c) l'intégration sur le marché suisse du travail et d) l'évolution des politiques en la matière. Les données statistiques proviennent d'un ensemble de données fusionnées du Système d'Information Universitaire Suisse (SIUS) et du Système d'Information Central sur la Migration (SYMIC), d'une série d'enquêtes sur les diplômés en Suisses et du NCCR Mobility-Migration Survey. Les méthodes statistiques sont utilisées pour tester une série de facteurs statiques et dynamiques, tels que les caractéristiques sociales et démographiques (nationalité, sexe, âge, état civil), ainsi que les caractéristiques éducatives (domaine d'étude, résultats des études, établissement d'enseignement supérieur). En outre, les procès-verbaux du discours politique de l'initiative parlementaire qui a conduit à des amendements de loi sont examinés. Enfin, les résultats sur les trajectoires éducatives des étudiants internationaux sont discutés dans le contexte des changements dans les politiques migratoires suisses., Increased international student mobility (ISM) has become one of the salient features of contemporary global migration. In the context of growing global mobility and the globalization of higher education, international student migration to Switzerland is changing significantly in both extent and character. Due to the importance of international students in current migration flows, their mobility is receiving increased attention in migration studies and policy debates. This dissertation sheds light on the character and dynamics of ISM by analyzing the migration trajectories of international students in Switzerland. The study aims to discover patterns and identify factors which have a positive or negative impact on the stay rates of international students and their subsequent integration into the Swiss labour market, proposes a framework for student mobility, and finally discusses the results in a context of current changes in migration policies and debates including a glance at migration policies outside Switzerland. The thesis is composed of four sections which draw attention to a) stay rates of international students, b) intentions to stay in Switzerland, taking partnership status into account, c) integration into the Swiss labour market, and d) changes in relevant policies. The statistical data originates from various datasets on international students, from a merged dataset of the Swiss Higher Education Information System (SHIS) and the Central Migration Information System (ZEMIS)1, a series of the Swiss Graduate Surveys, and the NCCR Mobility and Migration Survey. Statistical methods are used to test a series of static and dynamic factors, such as social and demographic characteristics (nationality, gender, age, civil status), as well as educational characteristics (study field, study performance, the higher education institution). Furthermore, the minutes of the discourse of the parliamentary initiative that led to law amendments are examined. Finally, the results on the educational trajectories of international students are discussed in the context of recent changes in Swiss migration policies.
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    How to explain migration policy openness in times of closure? The case of international students in Switzerland
    Since the 1990s, Swiss immigration policies have placed increasing restrictions on non-European Union (EU) immigrants. However, in 2011, based on the initiative of Jacques Neirynck, the Swiss Parliament approved a law facilitating the admission and integration of non-EU nationals with a Swiss university degree. How can this policy openness in times of closure be explained? Drawing on the narratives of stakeholders during parliamentarian debates, and interviews with key political actors, we propose a unique explanatory approach combining: (1) the convincing narratives of steering crafted by parliamentarians, (2) an appropriate temporal and geographical context, and (3) the biographical capacity of the policy initiator to effect policy change. This model will be useful for studies of migration policy change in general.
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    How to explain migration policy openness in times of closure? The case of international students in Switzerland
    Since the 1990s, Swiss immigration policies have placed increasing restrictions on non-European Union (EU) immigrants. However, in 2011, based on the initiative of Jacques Neirynck, the Swiss Parliament approved a law facilitating the admission and integration of non-EU nationals with a Swiss university degree. How can this policy openness in times of closure be explained? Drawing on the narratives of stakeholders during parliamentarian debates, and interviews with key political actors, we propose a unique explanatory approach combining: (1) the convincing narratives of steering crafted by parliamentarians, (2) an appropriate temporal and geographical context, and (3) the biographical capacity of the policy initiator to effect policy change. This model will be useful for studies of migration policy change in general.
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    The Global Race for Talent in Switzerland. How to Explain Migration Policy Liberalisation to Allow International Students Staying after Graduation?
    Since the 1990s, Swiss immigration policies have placed more restrictions on non-EU nationals living and working in Switzerland. However, in 2011, based on the initiative of university professor and parliamentarian Jacques Neirynck, the Swiss Parliament approved a new law facilitating the admission and integration of non-EU nationals with a Swiss university degree. How can this policy openness in times of closure be explained? To address this question we examined the narratives crafted by Swiss parliamentarians during the parliamentarian debate - both in favour of and against the draft bill. The main methods used were qualitative analysis of the minutes of parliamentarian debates and in-depth interviews with key political actors. In light of our results, we propose a threedimensional approach to explain why immigration policy liberalisation occurs: (a) the effectiveness of the narratives crafted by policy elites to convince parliamentarians, (b) the appropriate conditions created by the temporal and geographical context, and (c) the biographical capacity of the policy initiators to effect policy change. Emerging from this multi-dimensional approach is a unique perspective of analysis which can be used to understand policy change in migration studies.