First uncertainty evaluation of the FoCS-2 primary frequency standard
Morel, J
Bernier, L. G
Schenker, Dominique
Metrologia, IOP, 2018/55/3/366-385
We report the uncertainty evaluation of the Swiss continuous primary frequency standard FoCS-2 (Fontaine Continue Suisse). Unlike other primary frequency standards which are working with clouds of cold atoms, this fountain uses a continuous beam of cold caesium atoms bringing a series of metrological advantages and specific techniques for the evaluation of the uncertainty budget. Recent improvements of FoCS-2 have made possible the evaluation of the frequency shifts and of their uncertainties in the order of 1 × 10<sup>−15</sup>. When operating in an optimal regime a relative frequency instability of 8 × 10<sup>−14</sup> (<i>τ</i>/<i>s</i>) <sup>−1/2</sup> is obtained. The relative standard uncertainty reported in this article, 1.99 × 10<sup>−15</sup>, is strongly dominated by the statistics of the frequency measurements.
Type de publication
journal article
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