Unexpected roles of plastoglobules (plastid lipid droplets) in vitamin K<sub>1</sub> and E metabolism
Spicher, Livia
Current opinion in plant biology, Elsevier, 2015/25//123-129
Tocopherol (vitamin E) and phylloquinone (vitamin K<sub>1</sub>) are lipid-soluble antioxidants that can only be synthesized by photosynthetic organisms. These compounds function primarily at the thylakoid membrane but are also present in chloroplast lipid droplets, also known as plastoglobules (PG). Depending on environmental conditions and stage of plant development, changes in the content, number and size of PG occur. PG are directly connected to the thylakoid membrane via the outer lipid leaflet. Apart from storage, PG are active in metabolism and likely trafficking of diverse lipid species. This review presents recent advances on how plastoglobules are implicated in the biosynthesis and metabolism of vitamin E and K.
Type de publication
journal article
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