Lope de Vega as a Courtly Writer: La Filomena (1621) and La Circe (1624)
Orfeo, Anfión, Tubal: la música y sus inventores en tres disquisiciones musicales de Lope de Vega (Arcadia, El peregrino en su patria, Pastores de Belén)
2020, Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
This article examines Lope de Vega's relationship to music by focusing on three digressions on the origins of music present in Arcadia (1598), El peregrino en su patria (1604), and Pastores de Belén (1612).
Poética y política de la maravilla: las maravillas del mundo antiguo en Lope de Vega
2022-8-11, Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
This article studies the presence of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World in the works of Lope de Vega, an author who was particularly fond of the topic and skillful in its usage. Our article examines the appearance of the list from the end of the sixteenth century to 1634, and proposes some reasons for Lope's love for this topic. We explain which is the state of the art on the subject before focusing on Lope’s lyrical poetry. In particular, we begin examining Rimas (1604), a book in which Lope included two sonnets on the wonders. These poems have a peculiar dispositio which we consider the structural basis of Lope’s take on the wonders. Next, we study two small appearances in La Filomena (1621) and La Circe (1624), and, finally, a burlesque variant of this structure in Rimas de Tomé de Burguillos (1634), in a poem which allows us to propose a hypothesis concerning the origin of Lope’s idea. Taking this information into consideration, we examine Lope’s theater, which we divide into two large stages separated by 1609, the year in which Lope published Jerusalén conquistada and must have written La octava maravilla. These stages are useful to analyze the Seven Wonders in the corpus, to examine the evolution of that motif, and to reflect on its connections with the panegyric and with Lope's professional interests.
Orfeo en la poesía cortesana de Lope de Vega (1621-1624)». Janus 10 (2021): 5-38
2021-1-26, Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
This article examines the importance of Orpheus myth in Lope de Vega’s nondramatic works during the first years of Philip IV’s reign (1621-1624). After reviewing the apparitions of the aforesaid myth in Lope’s previous works, and critics opinions on the subject, we analyze how he uses it in the three works in our corpus: La Filomena (1621), La Circe (1624), and Orfeo en lengua castellana (1624). In particular, we examine the mythological fables, such as «La Filomena», «La Circe», and the Orfeo, to analyze how the myth evolved, and to study the scene of the death of the poet, and its connections with the possible sources: Bustamante’s Ovidian translation, Reusner’s Picta poesis ovidiana, Pérez de Moya’s Philosofía secreta de la gentilidad and Vitoria’s Teatro de los dioses de la gentilidad.
Lope de Vega y la poesía de jardines: naturaleza y arte en la “Descripción de la Tapada” (La Filomena, 1621)
2021-12-31, Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio
This paper examines Lope de Vega’s “Descripción de La Tapada” (La Filomena, 1621) in the context of the writer’s villa poems, and studies the meaning of its similarities and differences with its closest text: the “Descripción del Abadía”. After examining the critics opinions on the text, and showing that it is the least studied of Lope’s poems on gardens, we analyze the poem’s structure and topics, which we will use as a basis to study its genre and its function in La Filomena and in Lope’s literary career. These questions, in turn, will help us understand the peculiar relationship that art and nature establish in the poem.