Südmeyer, Thomas
Südmeyer, Thomas
Affiliation principale
Résultat de la recherche
30 Résultats
Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 30
- PublicationAccès libreNoise properties of an optical frequency comb from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5 µm solid-state laser stabilized to the 10E-13 level(2012-5-26)
; ; ; ; ;Stumpf, Max; ;Pekarek, Selina ;Oehler, Andreas; ;Keller, UrsulaWe present a detailed investigation of the noise properties of an optical frequency comb generated from a femtosecond diode-pumped solid-state laser operating in the 1.5-μm spectral region. The stabilization of the passively mode-locked Er:Yb:glass laser oscillator, referred to as ERGO, is achieved using pump power modulation for the control of the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency and by adjusting the laser cavity length for the control of the repetition rate. The stability and the noise of the ERGO comb are characterized in free-running and in phase-locked operation by measuring the noise properties of the CEO, of the repetition rate, and of a comb line at 1558 nm. The comb line is analyzed from the heterodyne beat signal with a cavity-stabilized ultra-narrow-linewidth laser using a frequency discriminator. Two different schemes to stabilize the comb to a radio-frequency (RF) reference are compared. The comb properties (phase noise, frequency stability) are limited in both cases by the RF oscillator used to stabilize the repetition rate, while the contribution of the CEO is negligible at all Fourier frequencies, as a consequence of the low-noise characteristics of the CEO-beat. A linewidth of ≈150 kHz and a fractional frequency instability of 4.2×1E−13 at 1 s are obtained for an optical comb line at 1558 nm. Improved performance is obtained by stabilizing the comb to an optical reference, which is a cavity-stabilized ultra-narrow linewidth laser at 1558 nm. The fractional frequency stability of 8×1E−14 at 1 s, measured in preliminary experiments, is limited by the reference oscillator used in the frequency comparison. - PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libreFully stabilized optical frequency comb with sub-radian CEO phase noise from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5-µm solid-state laser(2011)
; ; ; ; ;Stumpf, Max C.; ;Pekarek, Selina ;Oehler, Andreas E. H.; ;Keller, UrsulaWe report the first full stabilization of an optical frequency comb generated from a femtosecond diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) operating in the 1.5-μm spectral region. The stability of the comb is characterized in free-running and in phase-locked operation by measuring the noise properties of the carrier-envelope offset (CEO) beat, of the repetition rate, and of a comb line at 1558 nm. The high Q-factor of the semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM)-modelocked 1.5-µm DPSSL results in a low-noise CEO-beat, for which a tight phase lock can be much more easily realized than for a fiber comb. Using a moderate feedback bandwidth of only 5.5 kHz, we achieved a residual integrated phase noise of 0.72 rad rms for the locked CEO, which is one of the smallest values reported for a frequency comb system operating in this spectral region. The fractional frequency stability of the CEO-beat is 20‑fold better than measured in a standard self-referenced commercial fiber comb system and contributes only 10−15 to the optical carrier frequency instability at 1 s averaging time. - PublicationAccès libreGigahertz frequency comb from a diode-pumped solid-state laser
;Klenner, Alexander; ; Keller, UrsulaWe present the first stabilization of the frequency comb offset from a diode-pumped gigahertz solid-state laser oscillator. No additional external amplification and/or compression of the output pulses is required. The laser is reliably modelocked using a SESAM and is based on a diode-pumped Yb:CALGO gain crystal. It generates 1.7-W average output power and pulse durations as short as 64 fs at a pulse repetition rate of 1 GHz. We generate an octave-spanning supercontinuum in a highly nonlinear fiber and use the standard ƒ-to-2ƒ carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency ƒCEO detection method. As a pump source, we use a reliable and cost-efficient commercial diode laser. Its multi-spatial-mode beam profile leads to a relatively broad frequency comb offset beat signal, which nevertheless can be phase-locked by feedback to its current. Using improved electronics, we reached a feedback-loop-bandwidth of up to 300 kHz. A combination of digital and analog electronics is used to achieve a tight phase-lock of ƒCEO to an external microwave reference with a low in-loop residual integrated phase-noise of 744 mrad in an integration bandwidth of [1 Hz, 5 MHz]. An analysis of the laser noise and response functions is presented which gives detailed insights into the CEO stabilization of this frequency comb. - PublicationAccès libreNoise properties of an optical frequency comb from a SESAM-modelocked 1.5 µm solid-state laser stabilized to the 10 -13 level
; ; ; ; ;Stumpf, Max C.; ;Pekarek, Selina ;Oehler, Andreas E. H.; ;Keller, UrsulaWe present a detailed investigation of the noise properties of an optical frequency comb generated from a femtosecond diode-pumped solid-state laser operating in the 1.5-μm spectral region. The stabilization of the passively mode-locked Er:Yb:glass laser oscillator, referred to as ERGO, is achieved using pump power modulation for the control of the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency and by adjusting the laser cavity length for the control of the repetition rate. The stability and the noise of the ERGO comb are characterized in free-running and in phase-locked operation by measuring the noise properties of the CEO, of the repetition rate, and of a comb line at 1558 nm. The comb line is analyzed from the heterodyne beat signal with a cavity-stabilized ultra-narrow-linewidth laser using a frequency discriminator. Two different schemes to stabilize the comb to a radio-frequency (RF) reference are compared. The comb properties (phase noise, frequency stability) are limited in both cases by the RF oscillator used to stabilize the repetition rate, while the contribution of the CEO is negligible at all Fourier frequencies, as a consequence of the low-noise characteristics of the CEO-beat. A linewidth of ≈150 kHz and a fractional frequency instability of 4.2×10−13 at 1 s are obtained for an optical comb line at 1558 nm. Improved performance is obtained by stabilizing the comb to an optical reference, which is a cavitystabilized ultra-narrow linewidth laser at 1558 nm. The fractional frequency stability of 8 × 1014− at 1 s, measured in preliminary experiments, is limited by the reference oscillator used in the frequency comparison. - PublicationAccès libreEffect of the Carrier-Envelope-Offset Dynamics on the Stabilization of a Diode-Pumped Solid-State Frequency Comb
; ; ;Stumpf, Max C.; ; ;Keller, Ursula; We investigate the dynamics of the carrier-envelope-offset (CEO) frequency, ƒ CEO, controlled by a pump current on the self-referencing of an optical frequency comb generated from a diode-pumped solid-state laser at 1.56 μm. We observe a reversal point in the tuning of ƒ CEO with the pump current. Between the low- and high-frequency region in the dynamic response of ƒ CEO to pump current modulation, we observe a significant phase shift of ≈180 deg in the transfer function. As a result, it is impossible to stabilize ƒ CEO at a pump current above the reversal point, although the free-running CEO beat at this point has a higher signal-to-noise ratio than underneath the reversal point at which the locking is straightforward. Our results indicate that a high signal-to-noise ratio and a low-noise CEO beat are not sufficient indicators for the feasibility of comb self-referencing in cases for which CEO dynamics play a dominant role. - PublicationAccès libreCutting-Edge High-Power Ultrafast Thin Disk Oscillators
;Saraceno, Clara J ;Schriber, Cinia ;Emaury, Florian ;Heckl, Oliver H ;Baer, Cyrill R. E; ;Beil, Kolja ;Kränkel, Christian ;Golling, Matthias; Keller, UrsulaA growing number of applications in science and industry are currently pushing the development of ultrafast laser technologies that enable high average powers. SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers (TDLs) currently achieve higher pulse energies and average powers than any other ultrafast oscillator technology, making them excellent candidates in this goal. Recently, 275 W of average power with a pulse duration of 583 fs were demonstrated, which represents the highest average power so far demonstrated from an ultrafast oscillator. In terms of pulse energy, TDLs reach more than 40 µJ pulses directly from the oscillator. In addition, another major milestone was recently achieved, with the demonstration of a TDL with nearly bandwidth-limited 96-fs long pulses. The progress achieved in terms of pulse duration of such sources enabled the first measurement of the carrier-envelope offset frequency of a modelocked TDL, which is the first key step towards full stabilization of such a source. We will present the key elements that enabled these latest results, as well as an outlook towards the next scaling steps in average power, pulse energy and pulse duration of such sources. These cutting-edge sources will enable exciting new applications, and open the door to further extending the current performance milestones. - PublicationAccès libreExperimentally verified pulse formation model for high-power femtosecond VECSELs
;Sieber, Oliver D; ; ;Mangold, Mario ;Golling, Matthias ;Tilma, Bauke W; Keller, UrsulaOptically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (OP-VECSELs), passively modelocked with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM), have generated the highest average output power from any sub-picosecond semiconductor laser. Many applications, including frequency comb synthesis and coherent supercontinuum generation, require pulses in the sub-300-fs regime. A quantitative understanding of the pulse formation mechanism is required in order to reach this regime while maintaining stable, high-average-power performance. We present a numerical model with which we have obtained excellent quantitative agreement with two recent experiments in the femtosecond regime, and we have been able to correctly predict both the observed pulse duration and the output power for the first time. Our numerical model not only confirms the soliton-like pulse formation in the femtosecond regime, but also allows us to develop several clear guidelines to scale the performance toward shorter pulses and higher average output power. In particular, we show that a key VECSEL design parameter is a high gain saturation fluence. By optimizing this parameter, 200-fs pulses with an average output power of more than 1 W should be possible. - PublicationAccès libreSub-60-fs Timing Jitter of a SESAM Modelocked VECSEL
;Wittwer, V.J ;van der Linden, R ;Tilma, Bauke W ;Resan, B ;Weingarten, K. J; Keller, UrsulaWe present noise measurements of a pulse train emitted from an actively stabilized semiconductor-saturable-absorber-mirror (SESAM) modelocked vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL). The laser generated 6-ps pulses with 2-GHz pulse-repetition rate and 40-mW average output power. The repetition rate was phase locked to a reference source using a piezo actuator. The timing phase noise power spectral density of the laser output was detected with a highly linear photodiode and measured with a signal source analyzer. The resulting RMS timing jitter integrated over an offset frequency range from 1 Hz to 100 MHz gives a value of below 60 fs, lower than previous modelocked VECSELs and comparable with the noise performance of ion-doped solid-state lasers. The RMS amplitude noise was below 0.4% (1 Hz to 40 MHz) and not influenced by the timing phase stabilization. - PublicationAccès libreSelf-referenceable frequency comb from an ultrafast thin disk laser
;Saraceno, Clara J ;Pekarek, Selina ;Heckl, Oliver H ;Baer, Cyrill R. E ;Schriber, Cinia ;Golling, Matthias ;Beil, Kolja ;Kränkel, Christian ;Huber, Günter ;Keller, UrsulaWe present the first measurement of the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency of an ultrafast thin disk laser (TDL). The TDL used for this proof-of-principle experiment was based on the gain material Yb:Lu2O3 and delivered 7 W of average power in 142-fs pulses, which is more than two times shorter than previously realized with this material. Using only 65 mW of the output of the laser, we generated a coherent octave-spanning supercontinuum (SC) in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF). We detected the CEO beat signal using a standard ƒ-to-2ƒ interferometer, achieving a signal-to-noise ratio of >25 dB (3 kHz resolution bandwidth). The CEO frequency was tunable with the pump current with a slope of 33 kHz/mA. This result opens the door towards high-power frequency combs from unamplified oscillators. Furthermore, it confirms the suitability of these sources for future intralaser extreme nonlinear optics experiments such as high harmonic generation and VUV frequency comb generation from compact sources.
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