Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 14
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    La collaboration, enjeu d’une réforme de politique cantonale du vieillissement
    Confronté au changement démographique, le canton de Neuchâtel (Suisse) lance en 2012 une réforme socio-sanitaire visant à développer les possibilités de vieillissement à domicile. Accompagnée d’une reconfiguration importante du réseau de soins, d’aide et d’accompagnement des personnes âgées, cette réforme requiert la collaboration entre personnes et institutions impliquées. Mais en quoi consiste exactement cette collaboration, sur quels objets porte-t-elle et quelles sont les conditions qui la favorisent ? Abordant ces questions du point de vue de la psychologie socioculturelle et autres approches apparentées, nous mettons l’accent sur le travail d’articulation nécessaire à la cohérence des activités des personnes et institutions impliquées dans le réseau, et sur les tensions qui s’exercent entre ces activités. Nous examinons les conditions qui permettent à ces tensions de renforcer le pouvoir d’agir des diverses intervenantes. Nous présentons une étude de terrain qui, recourant à une méthodologie compréhensive (entretiens, observations et recherche documentaire), suit la mise en œuvre de cette réforme. Après avoir décrit l’hétérogénéité du réseau mis en place, nous rapportons une série d’exemples qui illustrent certaines tensions entre activités et pointent quelques obstacles au travail d’articulation. En conclusion, nous soulignons l’importance de développer les conditions qui favorisent le travail d’articulation et permettent à chaque personne impliquée de faire face aux aléas du travail et d’élargir son pouvoir d’agir. C’est dire que le travail d’articulation contribue au fonctionnement du réseau et, plus largement, à la mise en place de la réforme, et ceci au même titre que le développement de nouvelles structures et institutions.
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    Difficulties in positioning as veg*an: Two distinctions to examine positioning
    Positioning and position are notions that are quite often used currently in psychology, mostly with reference to Dialogical Self Theory and Positioning Theory. In this article, drawing on these two approaches as well as on socio-cultural psychology, I elaborate an integrative understanding of positioning. It includes a distinction between the socio-material, socio-discursive and moral dimensions of positioning, as well as a distinction between microgenetic, ontogenetic and sociogenetic scales of positioning. I illustrate the hermeneutical power of this theoretical proposition through the presentation of a study of positioning regarding the consumption of products of animal origin. I present an analysis of data collected in 2016 in a Swiss canton with qualitative semi-structured interviews with 10 participants. I focus on difficulties in positioning and show how the classical approach in terms of I-positions, and analyses based on the two distinctions presented above, allow differentiated insights on dynamics underlying the difficulties to position as a vegetarian or vegan.
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    A New Housing Mode in a Regional Landscape of Care: A Sociocultural Psychological Study of a Boundary Object
    The study of ageing, which received growing attention over the past 30 years, has progressively realised the importance of the cultural, historical, and socio-economical environment for the various courses of ageing. However, we believe that it could be further conceptualised. First, we propose to enrich it through the notion of “landscape of care” developed by geography. Second, the distinction developed by sociocultural psychologists between sociogenesis, microgenesis, and ontogenesis is useful to articulate different scales of the landscape of care and to consider individual trajectories. Finally, the notion of boundary object leads us to discuss how a specific object might play a bridging function in this landscape. We draw on a regional case study carried out in a Swiss canton where the building of “flats with referees” is part of a new policy that aims at adapting the care and support network to demographic change and to favour ageing in place. Our hypothesis is that these flats may have a function of boundary object as they lead various actors to collaborate. Based on observations, desk research, and interviews, the study shows that on a sociogenetic level, these flats have a bridging function. However, on ontogenetic and microgenetic levels, divergences and misunderstandings hinder these flats to fully achieve this function. By examining the changes in the landscape of care, this article contributes to a better understanding of people’s trajectories within their sociocultural environments.
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    Réformes politiques face au vieillissement démographique: Diversité des perspectives dans la mise en oeuvre d'une politique socio-sanitaire
    Partant du constat du changement démographique et des réformes qui tentent d’y répondre, nous nous penchons sur le programme politique d’un canton suisse, la planification médico-sociale du canton de Neuchâtel, et en particulier sur la promotion d’appartements dits « avec encadrements », qui constitue une mesure centrale de cette planification. Considérant que la mise en oeuvre de cette réforme, et ces appartements en particulier, demandent la collaboration entre un grand nombre de personnes et d’institutions (architectes, services administratifs cantonaux, politicien-nes, personnes âgées entre autres), nous examinons le sens que différent-es acteurs/trices donnent à la situation dans laquelle ils/elles sont impliqué-e-s sous l’angle de ce qui leur importe, ou « what matters » (Edwards, 2012), en analysant des données récoltées dans le cadre d’une étude de cas régionale, incluant entretiens, observations et recherche documentaire. Nous examinons également des situations de rencontre entre différentes perspectives sur « ce qui importe », et mettons en évidence la manière dont ces rencontres peuvent engendrer des changements dans la perspective de chacun-e concernant « ce qui importe », et donc dans les pratiques.
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    “As a vegetarian, we never do well enough”. Positioning in the normative landscape of meat consumption
    Food is an area that receives little attention from psychologists, despite the fact that it provides many interesting situations and dilemmas through which human activity and development can be examined. Currently –at least in the WEIRD (western, educated, industrial, rich and democratic) countries (Henrich et al., 2010), –these activities are an important object of normative discourses and injunctions about how we should behave as consumers and how we should eat, notably when it comes to products of animal origin and meat in particular. In these countries, a large majority of people regularly consumes meat. Vegetarianism can be seen as a deviant behavior to this norm (Boyle, 2011), that provokes reactions as it questions the taken-for-granted normality and necessity of meat consumption (Larue, 2015). However, the issue of meat consumption also intersects with many other normative discourses, such as the imperatives to be an ethical consumerorto be a hedonist. In this paper, I examine how people orient themselves in relation to these norms and possibly take distance from some of them. More specifically I propose to do so through the notion of positioning. Position and positioning are notions that are increasingly used and discussed in psychology. The theorization of these notions is recent, and thus quite disparate (Gülerce et al., 2014), although a few scholars worked on possible synthesis of different traditions (Gillespie & Martin, 2014; Raggatt, 2015). I argue that examining positioning processes in relation to normative discourses and behaviors constitutes a way to understand the relation between the person and some social norms, and that this use will also contribute to deepen the conceptualization of positioning. I draw on empirical work conducted with people who recently changed their habits of consumption of food of animal origin. The questions I examine are: how do people position themselves in the normative and contested world of consumption of food of animal origin, and what are the processes possibly allowing them to question and transgress the norms in this area.
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    The embodied dimension of imagination. Expanding the loop model
    While the sociocultural embeddedness of imagination received the researchers’ attention over the last years, less research was dedicated to the embodied dimension of imaginary processes. Nevertheless, any person engaged in imagination is always also a body. Moreover, there is no clear limit between imagination in thought, and in exploratory external actions. The aim of the present paper is to contribute to the theorization of the embodied dimension of imagination, by drawing on Zittoun, Cerchia and Gillespie’s imaginary loop model. We discuss the notion of here-and-now reality entailed in this model with the help of Schuetz’ notion of provinces of meaning and argue that this definition of the here-and-now allows to use the loop model for the analysis of activities in which the body movements occupy a central place. This argument is sustained by the example of an analysis of aikido practice. This analysis leads us to propose to complete the imaginary loop model with a forth dimension representing the degree of embodiment.