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    Endogenous oxytocin predicts helping and conversation as a function of group membership
    Humans cooperate with unrelated individuals to an extent that far outstrips any other species. We also display extreme variation in decisions about whether to cooperate or not, and the mechanisms driving this variation remain an open question across the behavioural sciences. One candidate mechanism underlying this variation in cooperation is the evolutionary ancient neurohormone oxytocin (OT). As current research focuses on artificial administration of OT in asocial tasks, little is known about how the hormone in its naturally occurring state actually impacts behaviour in social interactions. Using a new optimal foraging paradigm, the ‘egg hunt’, we assessed the association of endogenous OT with helping behaviour and conversation. We manipulated players' group membership relative to each other prior to an egg hunt, during which they had repeated opportunities to spontaneously help each other. Results show that endogenous baseline OT predicted helping and conversation type, but crucially as a function of group membership. Higher baseline OT predicted increased helping but only between in-group players, as well as decreased discussion about individuals’ goals between in-group players but conversely more of such discussion between out-group players. Subsequently, behaviour but not conversation during the hunt predicted change in OT, in that out-group members who did not help showed a decrease in OT from baseline levels. In sum, endogenous OT predicts helping behaviour and conversation, importantly as a function of group membership, and this effect occurs in parallel to uniquely human cognitive processes.
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    Is sociology core knowledge? The social nature of the cognitive architecture.
    Kaufmann, Laurence
    Contemporaneous ontology considers that the nature of things can be positioned on a pyramid of complexity. For the common sense as well as for the Academy, physical entities, chemical compounds, biological phenomena, mental realm and social organizations follow one another in an order of growing complexity and approximation. A lot of sociologists and philosophers thus try to show how the social emerges from the individual, the whole from the particular. That's precisely this apparently unshakeable hierarchy order that this article calls into question. Actually ethology, evolutionary psychology and developmental psychology provide numerous arguments, phylogenetic, ontogenetic and logical, for claiming that the order of social facts does indeed precede the order of psychological facts. The authors plead in particular for the existence of a "naive sociology", e.g. a system of social inferences without which mentalistic analyses would not even be possible. This modification of the ontological pyramid then leads to rethink and revive the relations between sociology and psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract).
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