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    Cross-influence between the two servo-loops of a fully-stabilized Er:fiber optical frequency comb
    We present a study of the impact of the cross-coupling between the two servo loops used to stabilize the repetition rate frep and the carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency fCEO in a commercial Er:fiber frequency comb, based on the combination of experimental measurements and a model of the coupled loops. The developed theoretical model enables us to quantify the influence of the servo-loop coupling on an optical comb line, by simulating the hypothetic case where no coupling would be present. Numerical values for the model were obtained from an extensive characterization of the comb, in terms of frequency noise and dynamic response to a modulation applied to each actuator, for both frep and fCEO. To validate the model, the frequency noise of an optical comb line at 1.56 μm was experimentally measured from the heterodyne beat between the comb and a cavity-stabilized ultranarrow-linewidth laser and showed good agreement with the calculated noise spectrum. The coupling between the two stabilization loops results in a more than 10-fold reduction of the comb mode frequency noise power spectral density in a wide Fourier frequency range.
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    Carrier-Envelope Offset Frequency Stabilization of a Fiber Laser by Cross Gain Modulation
    We present the first carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency stabilization of a fiber laser by cross gain modulation. The Yb-doped fiber laser is mode-locked by nonlinear polarization evolution and emits 32-nm wide dissipative solitons at a repetition rate of 125 MHz with 150 mW of average output power. A continuous wave laser signal at a wavelength of 1025 nm is used as an intracavity power modulator. A low power of only 200 μW of modulator signal is coupled into the fiber laser and amplified in the gain segment. This signal cross modulates the laser gain, achieving 40 times larger modulation bandwidth of the intracavity laser power than with standard pump-current control. A tight CEO lock is demonstrated with 361 mrad of residual integrated phase noise (from 1 Hz to 1 MHz). The method allows easy implementation in many existing fiber laser frequency combs based on various saturable absorbers and fiber configurations.
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    XUV Sources Based on Intra-Oscillator High Harmonic Generation with Thin-Disk Lasers: Current Status and Prospects
    Ultrafast thin-disk laser (TDL) oscillators provide higher intracavity pulse energy, average power, and peak power levels than any other femtosecond laser oscillator technology. They are suitable for driving extreme nonlinear interactions directly inside the laser oscillator. High harmonic generation (HHG) driven inside ultrafast TDL oscillators is a very recent approach for the generation of coherent extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light at multi-megahertz repetition rates. In this paper, we review the current state of the development, discuss the technological potential, and give an outlook toward the future developments. We compare the current performance to established technologies and evalu-ate possible limitations. We discuss future improvements, such as reduction of the driving pulse duration and increase of the intracavity peak power, efficient extraction of the XUV light from the cavity, and carrier-envelope offset frequency stabilization of the generated XUV light. Due to the power scalability of the TDL concept and the possibility to operate in a spectrally broadened regime with pulse durations below the gain bandwidth limitation, intra-oscillator HHG with TDLs has a high potential for powerful table-top multi-megahertz coherent XUV light sources for science and applications.
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    Frequency Comb Stabilization of Ultrafast Lasers by Opto-Optical Modulation of Semiconductors
    Gürel, Kutan
    Wittwer, Valentin Johannes
    In this paper, we review the current state and discuss new developments in opto-optical modulation (OOM) of semiconductor elements for frequency comb self-referenced stabilization of ultrafast lasers. This method has been successfully used for carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency stabilization of diodepumped solid-state lasers operating in 1-μm and 1.5-μm regimes, providing high feedback bandwidth and resulting in low noise performance. We compare the achieved results for Er- and Yb-based laser materials and in different regimes of repetition rates up to 1 GHz. In addition, we present the first semiconductor OOM for CEO stabilization in an ultrafast fiber laser. Moreover, we discuss requirements and design guidelines for OOM chips. In most demonstrations, semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors have been used for OOM, which in parallel were also responsible for pulse formation. By separating the OOM functionality from the pulse formation, we expect that it will enable low-noise CEO stabilization in other types of ultrafast lasers, such as, for example, high-power Kerr-lens mode-locked thin disk lasers.