Balsiger, Philip
Balsiger, Philip
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Résultat de la recherche
Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 38
- PublicationAccès libreWhen Platforms Challenge Professions: A Clash Between Models of Professionalism Among Swiss Hoteliers?(2024)
;Muriel Surdez; The sociology of professions has begun to study how digital platforms impact the status and skills of professionals. Our article expands on this line of research by exploring how platforms challenge professions and how professionals react by advocating different types of professionalism. Based on a case study of hoteliers in Switzerland, we look at how the rise of online travel agencies (OTAs) has affected this professional group. Drawing on an analysis of data gathered through interviews with hoteliers (owners, managers, representatives of associations), our findings identify divergent responses to how platforms have undermined the jurisdiction built up by hoteliers. They highlight impacts on the capacity for self-regulation and customer service skills. The article contributes to the literature by showing that platforms foster divisions within occupational groups. Some members use platform tools because they fit their model of management-oriented professionalism. Others distance themselves from them, adopting a defensive professionalism. - PublicationAccès libreSexual asylum regimes and politics of belonging: Narratives of deservingness in the political-public discourse in Switzerland(2024)
; ; This article explores the ways in which narratives of deservingness in the field of sexual asylum become crucial elements of national border drawing and boundary work, and important instruments of a politics of belonging. Switzerland is a particularly interesting case study in which to explore these issues due to the supposed humanitarian tradition on the one hand and conservative policies on gender and sexuality issues on the other hand. Drawing on literature on belonging and sexual nationalism, we conduct a qualitative analysis of textual data representing the political–public discourse. Four interconnected narratives of deservingness regarding the sexual asylum regime were isolated: (1) postcolonial geopolitics of national imaginaries; (2) Eurocentric/Western representations of queerness and a corresponding politics of the queer body; (3) hierarchizing categories of vulnerability; and (4) a general narrative of (dis)belief. We argue that the political–public discourse on sexual asylum should be understood as part of a broader moral economy concerned with the creation and definition of the Swiss community and its politics of belonging. - PublicationAccès libreCoping with digital market re-organization: How the hotel industry strategically responds to digital platform power(2023-01)
; ;Thomas Jammet ;Nicola CianferoniMuriel Surdez - PublicationAccès libreKönnen wir uns aus der Klimakrise rauskonsumieren?(2023)Klimabewusster konsumieren geht immer. Wir können uns alle etwas anstrengen und einige unserer Konsumgewohnheiten ändern – zumal es nicht an Angeboten und Informationen dazu fehlt. Können wir uns also aus der Kli- makrise rauskonsumieren? Aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Sicht gibt es grosse Vor behalte.
- PublicationAccès libreWhat is Digital Valuation Made of? The integration of valuation poles on a reservation platform and its effects on the hotel industry in Switzerland(2022)
; Digital platforms act as new powerful intermediaries challenging existing market orders in many sectors. Algorithmically producing ratings and rankings often built from online consumer reviews, platforms are important players in the digitizing of valuation. This article asks how these new platform-generated valuations relate to other forms of valuation. It presents a qualitative case study of valuation in the hotel sector in Switzerland, drawing on interviews with professionals and a description of valuation categories on the Booking.com website. Going beyond the description of the opposition between online consumer reviews and traditional judgment devices, the analysis shows that valuation on the platform is based upon a permissive hierarchical integration of a plurality of valuation poles, with algorithmic valuation at its center. This destabilizes the evaluative landscape with regard to three issues: lack of transparency of the algorithmic ranking; weakening and even undermining of formulaic valuation; and the issue of singularization of the online offer. - PublicationAccès libreDépeindre la finance comme une « force pour le bien » : analyse de discours du Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)(2022)
;Daniel Burnier; Cet article s’intéresse au discours de l’industrie de l’investissement d’impact à travers le cas du Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), l’une des plus importantes organisations à faire la promotion de cette approche à travers le monde. À partir d’une analyse documentaire, nous décrivons le concept flou d’« investissement d’impact » qui se trouve au cœur de ce discours. Afin de favoriser la diffusion de ce concept et de son discours, le GIIN fait appel à deux techniques de « concrétisation » qui le rendent plus tangible : l’objectivation de l’impact social ou environnemental d’un investissement qui fait exister ce dernier à travers des mesures quantifiables et son exemplification, qui se focalise avant tout sur les investisseurs et leurs intentions plutôt que sur les entreprises bénéficiaires ou les populations et environnements visés in fine par ces investissements. Nous montrons enfin que ce concept est porté par un discours plus général qui est construit autour d’une logique dite « gagnant-gagnant ». - PublicationAccès libreThe dynamics of ‘Moralized Markets’: a field perspective(2020-1-12)This article describes the distinctive features and structural properties of ‘moralized markets’, that is, markets in which producers set higher moral standards than those governing conventional market practices, and consumers buy products that respect those higher moral standards. Starting from a critical discussion of existing theoretical conceptualizations in terms of conventionalization/co-optation, quality conventions and resource partitioning, this article conceptualizes moralized markets as fields where actors are in strategic interaction. Using illustrations from several empirical studies, it suggests that all moralized markets are composed of a plurality of actors whose understanding of and commitments to moral principles vary. It reveals the main dimensions of the field, characterizes typical positions, and identifies and describes the core strategies used in struggles around field boundaries and the issues of policing and regulation of field settlements. The article concludes by offering six propositions regarding different possible outcome scenarios for the dynamics of moralized market fields, highlighting the role of the state for the stabilization of field settlements.
- PublicationAccès libreHow Do Ordinary Swiss People Represent and Engage with Environmental Issues? Grappling with Cultural Repertoires(2019-6-18)
; ;Lorenzini, JasmineSahakian, MarlyneThis paper studies how ordinary people in Switzerland represent and engage with environmental issues in daily practices. Bringing together conceptual developments in cultural sociology and social practice theory, the paper argues that cultural repertoires strongly shape how representations and forms of engagement play out. It identifies two main repertoires of social and environmental change: adaptation and transformation. The adaptation repertoire is reformist and aligned with individualism and the capitalist growth-paradigm; the transformation repertoire consists of a critique of the market society and calls for systemic change. Using qualitative in-depth interviews and a random survey of residents of Western Switzerland, the analyses show that most people’s representations and engagements with environmental issues relate to the dominant repertoire of adaptation, which appears to be very compatible with existing social practices. Although people hint at limits to the adaptation repertoire, only very few of our study participants relate to the transformative repertoire. - PublicationMétadonnées seulementLes incitations fiscales en Suisse : Un débat tronqué ?(2019-5-22)
;Lambelet, Alexandre; ;Carnac, RomainHonegger, Caroline