Voici les ƩlƩments 1 - 5 sur 5
  • Publication
    AccĆØs libre
    Experimentally verified pulse formation model for high-power femtosecond VECSELs
    Sieber, Oliver D
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    Mangold, Mario
    Golling, Matthias
    Tilma, Bauke W
    Keller, Ursula
    Optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (OP-VECSELs), passively modelocked with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM), have generated the highest average output power from any sub-picosecond semiconductor laser. Many applications, including frequency comb synthesis and coherent supercontinuum generation, require pulses in the sub-300-fs regime. A quantitative understanding of the pulse formation mechanism is required in order to reach this regime while maintaining stable, high-average-power performance. We present a numerical model with which we have obtained excellent quantitative agreement with two recent experiments in the femtosecond regime, and we have been able to correctly predict both the observed pulse duration and the output power for the first time. Our numerical model not only confirms the soliton-like pulse formation in the femtosecond regime, but also allows us to develop several clear guidelines to scale the performance toward shorter pulses and higher average output power. In particular, we show that a key VECSEL design parameter is a high gain saturation fluence. By optimizing this parameter, 200-fs pulses with an average output power of more than 1 W should be possible.
  • Publication
    AccĆØs libre
    High-power integrated ultrafast semiconductor disk laser: multi-Watt 10 GHz pulse generation
    Mangold, Mario
    Sieber, Oliver D
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    Presented is an optically pumped modelocked integrated externalcavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL) with a pulse repetition rate of 10 GHz, generating picosecond pulses at 2.4 W average output power at a centre wavelength of 963 nm. The MIXSEL structure integrates both the absorber and the gain layers within the same wafer. The saturable absorber is a single layer of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QD) and the gain is obtained with seven InGaAs quantum wells. It is shown that the picosecond pulse duration is limited by the slow recovery time of the integrated QD saturable absorber.
  • Publication
    AccĆØs libre
    VECSEL gain characterization
    Mangold, Mario
    Sieber, Oliver D
    Krestnikov, Igor L
    Livshits, Daniil A
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    We present the first full gain characterization of two vertical external cavity surface emitting laser (VECSEL) gain chips with similar designs operating in the 960-nm wavelength regime. We optically pump the structures with continuous-wave (cw) 808-nm radiation and measure the nonlinear reflectivity for 130-fs and 1.4-ps probe pulses as function of probe pulse fluence, pump power, and heat sink temperature. With this technique we are able to measure the saturation behavior for VECSEL gain chips for the first time. The characterization with 1.4-ps pulses resulted in saturation fluences of 40-80 ĀµJ/cm2, while probing with 130-fs pulses yields reduced saturation fluences of 30-50 ĀµJ/cm2 for both structures. For both pulse durations this is lower than previously assumed. A small-signal gain of up to 5% is obtained with this technique. Furthermore, in a second measurement setup, we characterize the spectral dependence of the gain using a tunable cw probe beam. We measure a gain bandwidth of over 26 nm for both structures, full width at half maximum.
  • Publication
    AccĆØs libre
    Low repetition rate SESAM modelocked VECSEL using an extendable active multipass-cavity approach
    Zaugg, C. A
    Pallmann, W. P
    Sieber, Oliver D
    Mangold, Mario
    Golling, Matthias
    Weingarten, K. J
    Tilma, B. W
    Keller, Ursula
    Ultrafast VECSELs are compact pulsed laser sources with more flexibility in the emission wavelength compared to diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Typically, the reduction of the pulse repetition rate is a straightforward method to increase both pulse energy and peak power. However, the relatively short carrier lifetime of semiconductor gain materials of a few nanoseconds sets a lower limit to the repetition rate of passively modelocked VECSELs. This fast gain recovery combined with low pulse repetition rates leads to the buildup of multiple pulses in the cavity. Therefore, we applied an active multipass approach with which demonstrate fundamental modelocking at a repetition rate of 253 MHz with 400 mW average output power in 11.3 ps pulses.
  • Publication
    AccĆØs libre
    First investigation of the noise and modulation properties of the carrier-envelope offset in a modelocked semiconductor laser
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    Waldburger, Dominik
    Link, Sandro M
    Alfieri, Cesare G. E
    Golling, Matthias
    Morel, Jacques
    Keller, Ursula
    SĆ¼dmeyer, Thomas. Laboratoire Temps-FrĆ©quence, UniversitĆ© de NeuchĆ¢tel, Switzerland
    We present the first characterization of the noise properties and modulation response of the carrier-envelope offset (CEO) frequency in a semiconductor modelocked laser. The CEO beat of an optically-pumped vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) at 1030 nm was characterized without standard ʒ-to-2ʒ interferometry. Instead, we used an appropriate combination of signals obtained from the modelocked oscillator and an auxiliary continuous-wave laser to extract information about the CEO signal. The estimated linewidth of the free-running CEO beat is approximately 1.5 MHz at 1-s observation time, and the feedback bandwidth to enable a tight CEO phase lock to be achieved in a future stabilization loop is in the order of 300 kHz. We also characterized the amplitude and phase of the pump current to CEO-frequency transfer function, which showed a 3-dB bandwidth of āˆ¼300 kHz for the CEO frequency modulation. This fulfills the estimated required bandwidth and indicates that the first self-referenced phase-stabilization of a modelocked semiconductor laser should be feasible in the near future.