Koenig, Clelia
Koenig, Clelia
Affiliation principale
Résultat de la recherche
Voici les éléments 1 - 4 sur 4
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementConversational storytelling at the margins of the workplace: negotiating epistemic access and entitlement(Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2015)
; ; ; Grujicic-Alatriste, Lubie - PublicationMétadonnées seulementCompetenza interazionale in francese L2: l'esempio della "parola ripresa" nella conversazione familiare(2014-12-15)Learning a second language is a process that takes place in daily conversation and is therefore observable in its turn-by-turn unfolding during free occurring interactions. In this contribution, we present a single-case analysis of one conversational excerpt taken from the audio recordings of a German-speaking au-pair girl learning French in Switzerland. Drawing on Conversation Analysis, we address the phenomenon of back-linking (Schegloff 1996) as regards its sequential placement and the linguistic resources employed, and we then discuss the functions the L2 speaker accomplishes through it. The analysis supports the idea that everyday interactional data need to be integrated in the studies on L2 acquisition as they uncover the online deployment of linguistic, as well as action resources. These, we argue, help us better understand the concept of L2 interactional competence and, more generally, the process of L2 acquisition.
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementTopic management in French L2. A longitudinal conversation analytic study(2013-9-1)Drawing on Conversation Analysis, this paper investigates free occurring conversational data in French as a second language. Its focus of attention is a debated concept within the conversation analytic approach: topic management. After an overview of the existing literature on topic management and the conceptualisation of learning and L2 interactional competence, the main part of the article will be concerned with data analysis. The data show an au-pair girl speaking French with her host-family at different points in time. The longitudinal design allows describing in detail and conceptualising L2 interactional competence and its development. In fact, taking into consideration interactional aspects, such as sequential and action organisation, contributes to a better understanding of L2 learning. The results show how topic management is not only the object of, but also the means for, learning an L2, whilst being socialised into the very same L2. This article contributes to an ongoing debate in the field of CA and, especially, CA-SLA about conceptualising L2 learning and tracking the development of L2 interactional competence.
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