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    Networks matter : taking a relational perspective on strategic management
    (Université de Neuchâtel, 2023-12-04) ;
    Dans les organisations, les individus sont liés entre eux par des relations formelles et informelles. Les réseaux sociaux sont particulièrement pertinents pour la gestion stratégique, car divers acteurs organisationnels (par exemple : les employés, les gestionnaires, les cadres supérieurs, le PDG, le conseil d'administration) sont impliqués dans le développement et la mise en œuvre de la stratégie et contribuent conjointement aux résultats stratégiques de l'organisation. Cette thèse explore l'intersection entre les réseaux sociaux et la gestion stratégique afin de déterminer comment l'adoption d'une perspective de réseau social peut enrichir notre compréhension de la gestion stratégique. Cette étude analyse comment les réseaux sociaux, incluant leurs modèles relationnels, structurels et dynamiques, ainsi que les comportements de réseautage des acteurs organisationnels, influent sur la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques des organisations. Elle propose des recommandations sur la manière dont les organisations peuvent exploiter ces réseaux sociaux et ces comportements de réseautage pour obtenir des avantages concurrentiels et atteindre leurs objectifs stratégiques. Cette thèse se compose de trois articles de recherche qui abordent différents sujets de gestion stratégique en étudiant divers aspects des réseaux sociaux. Le premier article examine comment le réseau relationnel des PDG nouvellement nommés avec les parties prenantes internes et externes affecte le changement stratégique de l'organisation. Le deuxième article étudie comment les comportements de réseautage actif permettent aux entrepreneurs de tirer profit de leurs réseaux pour leur entreprise. Le troisième article explore les rôles multiples des réseaux sociaux dans la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines et traite de la manière dont les pratiques de gestion soutiennent les résultats stratégiques en influençant et en façonnant les réseaux sociaux dans les organisations. Les trois articles qui composent cette thèse apportent une contribution significative à la théorie des réseaux sociaux, en générant des implications théoriques et pratiques pour différents domaines de la gestion stratégique, tels que le leadership stratégique, l'entrepreneuriat et la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines.
    Individuals in organizations are inter-connected through formal and informal relations in social networks. Such social networks are particularly relevant for strategic management because various organizational actors (e.g., employees, managers, top managers, CEO, and board of directors) are involved in the development and implementation of the strategy and jointly contribute to the organization’s strategic outcomes. This dissertation focuses on the intersection of social networks and strategic management to examine how adopting a social network perspective can advance our knowledge of strategic management. It investigates how social networks, their relational, structural, and dynamic patterns, and networking behaviors of organizational actors help or hinder organizations in achieving their strategic goals. Moreover, this dissertation offers insights about how organizations can leverage these social networks and influence networking behavior to gain competitive advantages and achieve their strategic goals. This dissertation consists of three research articles addressing different strategic management topics by studying various aspects of social networks. The first article examines how relational networks of new CEOs affect an organization’s strategic change; it shows that outsider CEOs’ weaker internal networks and larger external networks result in a higher degree of strategic change in a business-as-usual situation, but lower strategic change in firms facing turnaround situations. The second article studies how entrepreneurs' active networking benefits their businesses; it shows that network-brokerage behaviors – bridging unconnected individuals – are the most effective for gaining benefits and female entrepreneurs are less active in network brokerage. The third article explores the multiple roles of social networks in strategic human resource management. It addresses how management practices, through influencing and shaping social networks in organizations, can support strategic outcomes. In summary, by applying social network theory, the three articles of this dissertation generate theoretical and practical implications for various topics in strategic management, including strategic leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategic human resource management.
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    The impact of networks on entrepreneurs and startups : essays on investor centrality, entrepreneur relationship and startup performance
    (Université de Neuchâtel, 2023-11-29) ;
    Dans cette étude en trois chapitres, nous explorons tout d’abord le rôle critique de la centralité du réseau d’investisseurs dans la réussite de l’entreprise, en soulignant comment les positions centrales des investisseurs stimulent la performance à long terme, le succès de l’introduction en bourse et le financement ultérieur. Le deux- ième chapitre met en évidence l’importance de la confiance au sein des réseaux d’investisseurs, en soulignant le rôle des expériences partagées et de la similarité relative dans le choix des investisseurs. Dans le troisième chapitre, l’étude exam- ine la dynamique des réseaux d’entrepreneurs dans l’industrie biotechnologique française, en mettant en évidence l’impact des liens interpersonnels, de la diversité et des paramètres du réseau sur les performances de l’entreprise et la collecte de fonds. Dans l’ensemble, ces chapitres donnent un aperçu complet de l’interaction entre les réseaux d’investisseurs, la transmission d’informations et les liens inter- personnels, et mettent en lumière les principaux moteurs de la réussite et de la croissance des entreprises.
    In this three-chapter study, we first explore the critical role of investor network centrality in shaping entrepreneurial success, emphasizing how central investor positions boost long-term performance, IPO success, and subsequent funding. The second chapter highlights the importance of trust within investor networks, emphasizing the role of shared experiences and relative similarity in shaping investor choices. In the third chapter, the study examines the dynamics of entrepreneurial networks in the French biotechnology industry, showcasing the impact of interpersonal ties, diversity, and network metrics on company performance and fundraising. Overall, these chapters provide comprehensive insights into the interplay of investor networks, information transmission, and interpersonal ties, illuminating key drivers of entrepreneurial success and growth.
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    Management of fortuity: Workplace chance events and the career projections of up-or-out professionals
    Barbulescu, Roxana
    Galunic, Charles
    Bensaou, Ben
    How much control do people have over their career? We explore this question in the context of professional service firms, long thought of as providing predictable, agentic careers in the up-orout model. Specifically, we seek to understand how chance events in immediate work circumstances are experienced in this context, and the responses they elicit in terms of career construction. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 68 pre-partnership professionals from three large professional firms using the up-or-out promotion system, we find that chance developments in proximate work conditions, especially with respect to key relationships and project allocation, shape the possibilities that professionals see for their careers going forward and the actions they take in response. Even in this seemingly predictable career, being continuously attuned to fortuitous turns of events informs how people enact career agency. It also prompts a heightened awareness of the fragile nature of the up-or-out career path, triggering a gradual reconsideration of career possibilities that includes career confirmation, ambivalence, pivot, and fading. Our study contributes to better understanding the interdependence between context and agency in contemporary careers, highlighting the widespread and consequential role of proximate chance events in people’s career construction process.
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    Suddenly I Felt Like a Migrant: Identity and Mobility Threats Facing European Self-Initiated Expatriates in the UK under Brexit
    In recent years, several countries have undertaken political initiatives aimed at reducing immigration. At present, we lack a clear understanding of how self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) living in these countries interpret and respond to such initiatives. The United Kingdom’s 2016 “Brexit” referendum decision to leave the European Union presents an example of one such initiative potentially impacting the mobility, UK identification, and future aspirations of European SIEs living in the UK. We draw on 41 in-depth interviews with SIEs from 18 European countries who had voluntarily chosen to relocate to the UK and analyze how they interpreted the Brexit vote, as well as its impact on their identities and migration plans. We identify four types of SIEs based on their perceived mobility and identification with the UK prior to the Brexit referendum, each of which was associated with a distinct reaction pattern related to the outcome of the referendum. Our findings have implications for the study of SIEs, as well as for talent managers charged with their retention. We suggest directions for future research in SIE management.
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    Suddenly I felt like a migrant: Identity and mobility threats facing European self-initiated expatriates in the UK under Brexit
    (2022-1-1) ; ;
    Oliver, David
    In recent years, several countries have undertaken political initiatives aimed at reducing immigration. For self-initiated expatriates living in these countries, we lack a clear understanding of how these initiatives are interpreted and responded to. The United Kingdom’s 2016 “Brexit” referendum decision to leave the European Union presents an example of one such initiative potentially impacting the mobility, UK identification, and future aspirations of European SIEs living in the UK. We draw on 41 in-depth interviews with SIEs from 18 European countries who had voluntarily chosen to relocate to the UK to analyze how they interpreted the Brexit vote, as well as to assess its impact on their identities and migration lans. We identify four types of SIEs based on their perceived mobility and identification with the UK at the time of the Brexit referendum, each of which was associated with a distinct reaction pattern related to the outcome of the Brexit referendum. Our findings have implications for the study of SIEs, as well as for talent managers charged with their retention. We suggest directions for future research in SIE management.
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    The performance of international small and medium-sized enterprises: Overview and future research directions
    Our study aims to assess the state of knowledge on the performance of international small and medium-sized (SME) firms, and formulate a relevant research agenda. We review 231 contributions published between 1993 and 2019, and identify the main theoretical debates, key success factors and measures of international SME performance, and the theoretical and methodological approaches used in this literature. Based on our analysis, we propose a definition of performance factors according to the theoretical frameworks identified, and the overall determinants and performance measures identified. For future research, we suggest a more holistic theoretical and empirical perspective, a qualitative and longitudinal approach, and a greater focus on developing country SMEs.