Diaconu, Madalina
Diaconu, Madalina
Affiliation principale
Professeure ordinaire
Résultat de la recherche
Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 13
- PublicationAccès libre40 Commentaries of the Macolin Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions([Bâle] : Helbing Lichtenhahn ; Neuchâtel : Université de Neuchâtel, 2024)
; ; ; - PublicationRestriction temporaireThe Concept of Manipulation under the Macolin Convention(2022-9-15)
; ; Kuwelker, Surbhi - PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationRestriction temporaireThe court of arbitration for sport jurisprudence on match-fixing: a legal update(2021-3-17)
; ; The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) jurisprudence on manipulation of sports competitions has vastly evolved from its initial award in RSC Anderlecht in 1998, to now Labuts in August 2020. Alongside, international and national regulations, as well as sporting regulations, including, most recently, the Council of Europe’s Macolin Convention on the Manipula-tion of Sports Competitions, have sought to effectively tackle the omnipresent, ever-growing phenomenon of competition manipulation. Against this backdrop, this article briefly outlines the existing legal landscape on manipulation, followed by a chronological detailing of each CAS issued award. The key aspects of defining such sanctionable behaviour, select issues of standard of proof and types of evidence which are admissible and relied on, as well as the manner and quantum of sanction are then analysed. Ultimately, noting empirical trends across these awards, questions on ne bis in idem, proportionality of sanctions and legal certainty across CAS jurisprudence are raised. - PublicationAccès libre
- PublicationAccès libreMatch-fixing, the Macolin Convention and Swiss Law: An Overview(2019-9-16)
; Le 1er septembre 2019, la Convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la manipulation de compétitions sportives (également appelée Convention de Macolin) est entrée en vigueur. Elle s’est traduite, en Suisse, principalement par l’adoption d’un art. 25a de la Loi sur l’encouragement du sport, incriminant la manipulation de compétitions sportives pour lesquelles des paris sont proposés. Dans la présente contribution, diverses dispositions pénales sont passées en revue dans le but de tenter de comprendre l’étendue de la protection pénale globale actuellement offerte en Suisse en matière de manipulation de compétitions sportives. On September 1st, 2019, the European Convention on the Manipulation of Sport Competitions (also known as the Macolin Convention) entered into force. In Switzerland, its implementation led mainly to the adoption of Art. 25a of the Sport Promotion Act, which criminalizes the manipulation of sport events on which bets are offered. In this paper, we review the various criminal regulations in force in order to attempt an assessment of the scope and coverage of the current criminal law provisions on match-fixing in Switzerland. Am 1. September 2019 ist das Übereinkommen des Europarats gegen die Manipulation von Sportwettbewerben (auch Magglinger Konvention genannt) in Kraft getreten. In der Schweiz führte ihre Implementierung zur Einführung von Art. 25a Sportförderungsgesetz, welcher die Manipulation von Sportwettkämpfen, auf den Sportwetten angeboten werden, unter Strafe stellt. Im Beitrag werden verschiedene Strafbestimmungen betrachtet, um den Umfang des aktuellen strafrechtlichen Schutzes in der Schweiz im Bereich der Manipulation von Sportwettkämpfen zu erfassen. - PublicationAccès libre