InP-based quantum cascade detectors in the mid-infrared
Graf, Marcel
Hoyler, Nicolas
Faist, Jérôme
Date de parution
Applied Physics Letters, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2006/88/241118/1-3
We present two InP-based quantum cascade detectors (QCDs) in the mid-infrared wavelength range. Their narrow band detection spectra are centered at 5.3 and 9 <i>µ</i>m. A vertical intersubband transition followed by a carefully designed extraction cascade, which is adapted to the LO-phonon energy, leads to 10 K responsivities R of 3.2 and 9.0 mA/W and background limited detectivities D<sup>*</sup><sub>BLIP</sub> of 2×10<sup>8</sup> and 3×10<sup>9</sup> Jones, for the 5.3 and the 9 <i>µ</i>m devices, respectively. Detection has been observed up to device temperatures of 300 K (RT), albeit reasonable performance is restricted to temperatures below 150 K (5.3 <i>µ</i>m) and 70 K (9 <i>µ</i>m). Designed for zero bias operation, QCDs do not produce any dark current and therefore do not suffer from dark current noise and capacitance saturation at long integration times, making them ideal devices for large focal plane arrays.
Type de publication
journal article
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