<i>Andalucia</i> (n. gen.)—the Deepest Branch Within Jakobids (Jakobida; Excavata), Based on Morphological and Molecular Study of a New Flagellate from Soil
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Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, Wiley, 2006/53/2/112-120
A new heterotrophic flagellate (<i>Andalucia godoyi</i> n. gen. n. sp.) is described from soil. Earlier preliminary 18S rRNA analyses had indicated a relationship with the phylogenetically difficult-to-place jakobid <i>Jakoba incarcerata</i>. <i>Andalucia godoyi</i> is a small (3–5 μm) biflagellated cell with a ventral feeding groove. It has tubular mitochondrial cristae. There are two major microtubular roots (R1, R2) and a singlet root associated with basal body 1 (posterior). The microtubular root R1 is associated with non-microtubular fibres "I,""B," and "A," and divides in two parts, while R2 is associated with a "C" fibre. These structures support the anterior portion of the groove. Several features of <i>A. godoyi</i> are characteristic of jakobids: (i) there is a single dorsal vane on flagellum 2; (ii) the C fibre has the jakobid multilaminate substructure; (iii) the dorsal fan of microtubules originates in very close association with basal body 2; and (iv) there is no "R4" microtubular root associated with basal body 2. Morphological analyses incorporating the <i>A. godoyi</i> data strongly support the monophyly of all jakobids. Our 18S rRNA phylogenies place <i>A. godoyi</i> and <i>J. incarcerata</i> as a strong clade, which falls separately from other jakobids. Statistical tests do not reject jakobid monophyly, but a specific relationship between <i>Jakoba libera</i> and <i>J. incarcerata</i> and/or <i>A. godoyi</i> is rejected. Therefore, we have established a new genus <i>Andalucia</i> n. gen. with the type species <i>Andalucia godoyi</i> n. sp., and transfer <i>Jakoba incarcerata</i> to <i>Andalucia</i> as <i>Andalucia incarcerata</i> n. comb.
Type de publication
journal article
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