De la captatio à la partitio : rhétorique de l'introduction de l'article de recherche
Date de parution
Revue Tranel, Institut des sciences du langage et de la communication, Université de Neuchâtel, 2017/65//89-111
The introductions of research articles can often been described within the well-known frame of the "Creating a Research Space" (CARS) model of John Swales. Yet, this contribution wants to discuss this model in parallel with the ancient rhetoric model of <i>dispositio</i>. It is argued that the CARS model does not envision a <i>captatio benevolentiae</i> in research articles, which are in fact quite often present. Then, the place and importance of the <i>partitio</i>, that is to say the announcement of the plan, is analyzed in a corpus of research articles to highlight this important but somewhat neglected move in the introduction. The aim of this article is to design a model of introduction within a rhetoric and text linguistics point of view.
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journal article
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