Lope de Vega, el tabaco y los cuernos: dos notas sobre polémica y burla en las Rimas de Tomé de Burguillos (1634)». Studia Aurea 15 (2021): 485-498
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Studia Aurea
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Abstract: The present article examines two complex passages in Lope de Vega’s Rimas de Tomé de Burguillos, respective and elusive examples of polemics and mock poetry, or, rather, of polemical and non-polemical mock poetry. In the first, included in La Gatomaquia, we study the meaning of a malicious reference to the poet Anastasio Pantaleón de Ribera, already dead in 1634. In the second, sonnet 127 (129 in Carreño’s edition), we show the satirical target of another sarcastic reference, an allusion that gives the poem its burlesque tone, parallel to that of many texts in the book. In order to achieve our objective, we use a textual commentary methodology. After reviewing the critics opinions on the passages in question, and in particular their editors’, we present ours, which illustrate the passages conceptismo by contrasting them with several loci in Lope’s works and in other writers of the time.
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journal article
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