La musa casera: poesía de circunstancias y estética bajobarroca en el Ramillete poético de las discretas flores (1706) de José Tafalla Negrete
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Cuadernos de Estudios del Siglo XVIII
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Resumen: Al estudiar los textos preliminares del Ramillete poético de las discretas flores (1706) de José Tafalla y Negrete comprobamos la ambigua reacción que los editores ante la posición de la poesía en la sociedad del Bajo Barroco. El «discreteo», actitud relajada, tono oral e incluso prosaico de esta poesía fue consecuencia de su nuevo papel de la poesía en la sociedad, en la que servía para promover la interacción en reuniones informales. El Ramillete representa esas características estéticas del Bajo Barroco (prosaísmo, oralidad, predominio de la circunstancia, tono y temática distendidos), pero los prologuistas las percibieron como un problema, al menos en contraste con una decisión (imprimir los poemas) que alteraba esencialmente la función social de los textos de Tafalla.
Abstract: The preliminary texts to José Tafalla y Negrete’s Ramillete poético de las discretas flores (1706) show editors’ ambiguous reaction to the position of poetry in Low Baroque society. This poetry’s discreteo, its relaxed attitude, and its oral--even prosaic-- tone, stemmed from its new social role as facilitator of interaction in informal meetings. Tafalla’s Ramillete clearly represents these Low Baroque stylistic traits aesthetics (prosaic and oral tone, importance of the social circumstances surrounding the poem, relaxed tone and themes), but the writers who penned the preliminary texts to the book perceived them as problematic, as they were in contrast to a decision (printing the poems in a book) that essentially altered the social function of Tafalla’s poems.
Abstract: The preliminary texts to José Tafalla y Negrete’s Ramillete poético de las discretas flores (1706) show editors’ ambiguous reaction to the position of poetry in Low Baroque society. This poetry’s discreteo, its relaxed attitude, and its oral--even prosaic-- tone, stemmed from its new social role as facilitator of interaction in informal meetings. Tafalla’s Ramillete clearly represents these Low Baroque stylistic traits aesthetics (prosaic and oral tone, importance of the social circumstances surrounding the poem, relaxed tone and themes), but the writers who penned the preliminary texts to the book perceived them as problematic, as they were in contrast to a decision (printing the poems in a book) that essentially altered the social function of Tafalla’s poems.
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journal article
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