Caractéristiques des récits d'expériences personnelles actualisés durant les traitements logopédiques à l'adolescence
Date de parution
Revue Tranel, Institut des sciences du langage et de la communication, Université de Neuchâtel, 2017/66//175-198
Adolescents with a history of speech and language impairments still meet difficulties with their discursive production and adaptation to the interlocutor (Reed et al. 2007; Wetherell et al. 2007b). The institutional framework of speech and language therapy offers adolescents the opportunity to use different kinds of discourse taking into account the need of an adapted production to the interaction situation. Within this theme, this study highlights the work done on the personal storytelling competence during speech and language therapy sessions from a socio-interactionist perspective. The aim is to analyze the characteristics of personal storytelling initiated by the adolescents by examining if these initiations are legitimated by the therapists. This research specifies some of the characteristics of storytelling's coproduced during the treatments speech and language therapy with adolescents.
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journal article
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