Voici les éléments 1 - 2 sur 2
  • Publication
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    Frequency Noise Characterization of a 25-GHz Diode-Pumped Mode-Locked Laser With Indirect Carrier-Envelope Offset Noise Assessment
    Wittwer, Valentin Johannes
    Bilicki, Slawomir
    Resan, Bojan
    Weingarten, Kurt John
    We present a detailed frequency noise characterization of an ultrafast diode-pumped solid-state laser operating at 25-GHz repetition rate. The laser is based on the gain material Er:Yb:glass and operates at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. Using a beating measure-ment with an ultralow-noise continuous-wave laser in combination with a dedicated electrical scheme, we measured the frequency noise properties of an optical mode of the 25-GHz laser, of its repetition rate and indirectly of its carrier-envelope offset (CEO) signal without detecting the CEO frequency by the standard approach of nonlinear interferometry. We ob-served a strong anticorrelation between the frequency noise of the indirect CEO signal and of the repetition rate in our laser, leading to optical modes with a linewidth below 300 kHz in the free-running laser (at 100-ms integration time), much narrower than the individual contributions of the carrier envelope offset and repetition rate. We explain this behavior by the presence of a fixed point located close to the optical carrier in the laser spectrum for the dominant noise source.
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    Power Spectrum Computation for an Arbitrary Phase Noise Using Middleton’s Convolution Series: Implementation Guideline and Experimental Illustration
    In this paper, we revisit the convolution series initially introduced by Middleton several decades ago to determine the power spectrum (or spectral line shape) of a periodic signal from its phase noise power spectral density. This topic is of wide interest, as it has an important impact on many scientific areas that involve lasers and oscillators. We introduce a simple guideline that enables a fairly straightforward computation of the power spectrum corresponding to an arbitrary phase noise. We show the benefit of this approach on a computational point of view, and apply it to various types of experimental signals with different phase noise levels, showing a very good agreement with the experimental spectra. This approach also provides a qualitative and intuitive understanding of the power spectrum corresponding to different regimes of phase noise.