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How do French-speaking children with specific language impairment first mention referent in storytelling? Between reference and grammar

2013-2-27, de Weck, Geneviève, Jullien, Stéphane

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Introduction des référents dans le discours en fonction du degré de connaissance partagée avec l’interlocuteur: quelques données concernant des enfants dysphasiques et tout-venant

2005, Ingold, Juliane, Jullien, Stéphane, de Weck, Geneviève

This paper is about referents' introduction in narrative discourse by normal and language-impaired children (SLI children). It focuses on the linguistic devices used by these two populations to introduce new referents while telling a story to informed and non-informed adult interlocutor. The informed one knows the story, the second doesn't. Depending on shared knowledge between the participants, introductions are considered as appropriate or not. We present here the first results of a research program about developmental pragmatics. They show that non appropriate introductions are more frequent with the non informed adult for both populations. Nevertheless appropriate and non appropriate introductions are not done in the same way and in the same proportions by the two groups, the SLI children produce more non appropriate introductions, they may omit referents or determinants and their development is slower and limited compared to the development of normal children. The differences between the two types of children seem to be quantitative, qualitative and developmental.