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Cross-Amplified Polymorphic Microsatellites for Campbell’s Monkey

2010, Eric Petit, Ouattara, K, Zuberbühler, Klaus, Dominique Vallet, Alban Lemasson

Population genetic analyses are of considerable importance for conservation strategies to protect endangered primates. We tested microsatellites of human origin with an aim to understand the genetic diversity of a West African forest guenon, Campbell’s monkey, Cercopithecus campbelli. Twelve markers amplified successfully, were polymorphic and were inherited in a Mendelian fashion in a group of 4 individuals kept in captivity. These 12 markers were further amplified from 35 faecal samples collected in Taï National Park. These samples proved to originate from 18 free-ranging monkeys and showed that the 12 markers we developed for this species are polymorphic and suitable for future population genetic and parentage analyses.

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Mixed-species associations of Diana and Campbell's monkeys: The costs and benefits of a forest phenomenon

, Wolters, Sonja, Zuberbühler, Klaus

One of the most striking behavioural patterns of many forest primates concerns their tendency to live in semi-permanent mixed-species groups. Functional investigations have ascertained that individuals obtain some antipredator benefits without paying the costs of intra-species resource competition. Despite these advances, very little is known about the subtle mechanisms that keep mixed species groups together on a daily basis. Our results showed that in the Diana-Campbell's monkey association both species benefited from each other in diverse and idiosyncratic ways. In the presence of Campbell's monkeys the conspicuous Diana monkeys were more likely to descend into the lower forest strata, increased their foraging behaviour, and individuals became less vigilant. The cryptic Campbell's monkeys, in turn, were able to use the higher forest strata and exposed areas more often, spread out over larger areas, were more likely to travel, and engaged in more conspicuous vocal behaviour when associated with Diana monkeys. These data suggested that both species benefited from each other in ways that went beyond passive group-size related antipredator benefits, such as a dilution effect and increased chances of predator detection. Instead, the increased safety of the mixed species group allowed individuals to exploit their ecological niche more broadly, to forage more efficiently, and to engage in more social behaviour, suggesting that the benefits of mixed species groups are much more varied and diverse than currently thought.

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The alarm call system of female Campbell's monkeys

, Ouattara, Karim, Zuberbühler, Klaus, N'Goran, Koffi J.-N, Gombert, Jean-Emile

Field studies on male forest guenon alarm-calling behaviour have revealed a number of intricacies about how these primates use vocalizations to protect themselves from predation. In these species, the vocal behaviour of adult females is often different from that of the males, but little systematic work has been done. Here, we describe the alarm call system of female Campbell's monkeys, Cercopithecus campbelli, in their natural forest habitat in western Ivory Coast. We found that in response to disturbing events, females produced three basic alarm call types, ‘wak-oos’, ‘hoks’ and acoustically variable ‘trill’ calls, consisting of repeated and rapidly ascending (RRA) pulses, which varied systematically in the temporal and frequency domains. Using observational and experimental data we were able to demonstrate that the RRA calls consisted of four acoustic variants, which could be associated with specific contexts, allowing listeners to draw inferences about the type of disturbance experienced by the caller. We also compared the alarm call behaviour of free-ranging individuals with published results from captivity. As predicted, captive individuals failed to produce predator-specific alarm calls, but they also produced an RRA variant in response to humans that was absent in the wild. We discuss the relevance of these findings in terms of their broader potential impact on evolutionary theories of primate communication.