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Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: from School to the Workplace

2017, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Bangerter, Adrian, de Weck, Geneviève, Filliettaz, Laurent, González-Martínez, Esther, Petitjean, Cécile

This interdisciplinary volume brings together leading scholars from several disciplines to uncover the key to young people’s socialization within institutional settings, from school to the workplace. Among the questions they consider are: what aspects of interactional competence are relevant for participation in practical activities within those settings? What are the interactional procedures through which diverse facets of interactional competence are recognized, legitimized and assessed in the course of practical activities? How do these procedures shape and reflect social institutions and people's understanding of them? The collection discusses interactional competences across a variety of institutional settings, and reflects on the institutional order by scrutinizing how such competences are interactionally treated within everyday institutional practices. The volume enriches an interdisciplinary understanding of fundamental concepts in the social sciences and will therefore be of interest to those working within linguistics, sociology, education, psychology of work, and speech therapy.

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Which conversational features lead to an impression of talkativeness in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ?

2015-7-20, Rahmati, Somayeh, de Weck, Geneviève

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Comment des mères racontent-elles une histoire à leur enfant ? Usage des expressions référentielles dans le dialogue mère-enfant

2014, de Weck, Geneviève, Salazar Orvig, Anne

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Etude des processus de rééducation dans le cas des troubles spécifiques du développement du langage

2014, Da Silva-Genest, Christine, de Weck, Geneviève, Delamotte-Legrand, Régine, Parisse, Christophe, Salazar-Orvig, Anne

Dans la littérature, relativement peu d’études ont porté sur les processus de rééducation en situation naturelle. La majorité des recherches ont été menées surtout comme une évaluation de l’efficacité de certaines méthodes d’intervention (e.g. méthode métalinguistique, guidance parentale) ou modes d’intervention (e.g. recast, imitation, modelage) sur l’acquisition d’une forme ou d’une structure linguistique ou de manière plus générale sur le développement de l’enfant. Or la compréhension des processus par lesquels les enfants se développent nécessite de travailler sur ce qui se passe pendant la rééducation sur le plan interactionnel et dans la façon dont émergent des pratiques orthophoniques dans l’interaction. L’objectif de notre étude est de comprendre la manière dont les interventions des orthophonistes soutiennent le développement langagier des enfants dysphasiques dans l’interaction. Cette étude s’inscrit dans une approche interactionniste en s’inspirant des travaux de Vygotski (1936/1997) et de Bruner (1983a). L’étude porte sur l’observation de quatre dyades orthophoniste-enfant dysphasique d’âge scolaire suivies lors de séances de rééducation pendant sept mois. Au début et à la fin de cette phase d’observation, une phase de test a été mise en place pour évaluer les compétences langagières des enfants et leur évolution. Les résultats montrent que les orthophonistes mettent en place des activités portant sur divers aspects du fonctionnement du langage. Leurs pratiques s’inscrivent dans la dynamique de l’échange et elles sont fortement influencées par les interventions des enfants et leurs difficultés à accomplir une tâche langagière. En outre, elles sont efficaces car elles permettent aux enfants de réaliser à deux ce qu’ils ne pouvaient accomplir seul. Nos analyses mettent en évidence des gestes professionnels communs aux orthophonistes relevant ainsi leur appartenance à une communauté de pratiques., The literature reports relatively few studies that focused on Speech-Language pathologists’ (SLPs) interventions in natural context. Most of the studies explored the clinical effectiveness of intervention strategies with children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) by assessing language outcomes (e.g. the acquisition of a particular form or structure, improvements on particular language measures) both studying particular features (e.g. recast, imitation, model) or entire clinical methods and programs (e.g. metalinguistic approach, parental guidance). However, to better understand the processes underlying children’s development, it is necessary to analyse in detail what happens during SLP sessions at an interactional level and focus on the emergence of practices during Speech-language pathologist- child interactions. The aim of the present study was to better understand how clinical interventions support the language development of child with SLI during interactions. In line with Vygotski (1936/1997) or Bruner (1983a), we adopted a socio-interactionist approach/perspective. This study observed four school-aged children with SLI interacting with their SLP during clinical sessions. The dyads were followed-up for seven months. At the beginning and the end of the observation period, children’s linguistic, discursive and interactional abilities were assessed through standardized language tests and through the analysis of mother-child interactions. The results showed that SLPs enrolled the children in activities focusing on various aspects of language. Their practices were part of the dialogical dynamic and were strongly influenced by the accomplishment of the task (by children). In addition, the effectiveness of these practices was proven by the fact that children achieved, supported by the SLP, tasks that they were not able to accomplish by themselves. Our analyses also highlighted common professional gestures among all the SLP who participated in the study, showing that they belong to a community of practice.

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Interactional competences in institutional settings: Young people between school and work

2017, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Petitjean, Cécile, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Bangerter, Adrian, de Weck, Geneviève, Filliettaz, Laurent, González-Martínez, Esther, Petitjean, Cécile

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Parent’s impression of children’s talkativeness and talk’s length in interactions of children with ADHD and their peer

2015-5-9, Rahmati, Somayeh, de Weck, Geneviève

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Laudatio en l'honneur de Jerome S. Bruner

2014, Iannaccone, Antonio, Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly, de Weck, Geneviève

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Expressing personal opinions in classroom interactions: The role of humor and displays of uncertainty

2017, Degoumois, Virginie, Petitjean, Cécile, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Bangerter, Adrian, de Weck, Geneviève, Filliettaz, Laurent, González-Martínez, Esther, Petitjean, Cécile

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Maternal recasts and activity variations: a comparison of mother-child dyads involving children with and without SLI

2014-2-27, Rezzonico, Stefano, de Weck, Geneviève, Salazar Orvig, Anne, da Silva, Christine, Rahmati, Somayeh

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Laudatio en l’honneur de Jerome S. Bruner

2014, Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly, Iannaccone, Antonio, de Weck, Geneviève