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The First Incunabula of Statius’ Achilleid and their Manuscript Sources : Towards a Detailed Analysis of their Relationship

2023, Berlincourt, Valéry

The Achilleid of Statius was often disseminated in print in the first decades of the new medium. While the source used for the editio princeps has been identified, an analysis of the relationship between later incunabula and the manuscript tradition remains a desideratum. The difficulties involved in the task are partly due to the plethora of manuscripts (more than 220 extant witnesses). This paper attempts to tackle this problem with regard to the first two editions posterior to the princeps, namely those of Ferrara 1472 and Venice 1472. Systematic examination of more than 60 witnesses now accessible on the website Digital Statius: the Achilleid (achilleid.unige.ch) make it possible, on the one hand, to show that the preparation of each of these editions was mainly based on a manuscript rather than on a previous printed text and, on the other hand, to identify some characteristics – missing lines, rare readings, inverted words – of the manuscripts that the editors used as their main models. La Aquileida de Estacio fue difundida muchas veces en forma impresa durante los primeros decenios de la técnica tipográfica. Mientras que ya se ha identificado la fuente utilizada para la editio princeps, un análisis de la relación entre otros incunables y la tradición manuscrita sigue constituyendo un desideratum. Las dificultades inherentes a esta tarea se deben en parte a la plétora de manuscritos (más de 220 testigos conservados). El presente artículo trata de abordar este problema con respecto a las dos primeras ediciones posteriores a la princeps, es decir las de Ferrara 1472 y de Venecia 1472. Un examen sistemático de más de 60 testigos ahora accesibles en el sitio web Digital Statius: the Achilleid (achilleid.unige.ch) hace posible, por una parte, mostrar que la preparación de cada una de estas ediciones se basó en una fuente manuscrita y no en un texto impreso y, por otra parte, identificar ciertas características – versos faltantes, lecturas raras, palabras invertidas – de los manuscritos que los editores usaron como sus modelos principales.

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Fonctions et effets des titres-résumés dans les miscellanées philologiques de la Renaissance

2018, Berlincourt, Valéry

Les recueils de remarques critiques et exégétiques sur les textes antiques se multiplient depuis la fin du 15e s. dans le sillage de Calderini, Beroaldo et Poliziano, comme en témoignera plus tard l’énorme compilation de Gruter (Lampas, sive Fax artium liberalium, hoc est Thesaurus criticus…, Francfort/Main, 1602-1612/1634). Le discours érudit de ces observationes, annotationes, miscellanea, variae lectiones, qui a notamment pour modèle les Nuits Attiques d’Aulu-Gelle, privilégie la variété et la liberté. Ces “commentaires collectifs” se prêtent à être utilisés comme ouvrages de référence grâce au développement des index. Le présent article porte sur un autre type de paratexte fréquent dans de tels recueils: les titres-résumés placés en tête de chaque section. Il aborde les fonctions et effets de ces titres-résumés en relation avec les formes potentielles d’utilisation des recueils de “miscellanées philologiques”, mais aussi et surtout avec la prédilection pour la variété et la liberté qui caractérise leur discours.

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Early Modern Thebaid : the Latin Commentary Tradition

2015, Berlincourt, Valéry

Many present-day readers of Statius meet the names of early modern commentators in philological commentaries and critical apparatuses. Inevitably, their sense of what such commentators contributed to the understanding and interpretation of the poems rests mainly on exegetical statements cut from their original contexts both interpretive and historical : single notes and short utterances excerpted from larger discussions, deprived of their broader argumentative sequences, selected on the grounds of their direct relevance to those aspects that most interest a present-day commentator or editor. This paper aims at recovering something more of this important aspect of Statius’s reception, by showing how the early modern commentaries on the Thebaid can interest us, not only as valuable contributions to our own appreciation of this poem, but also as witnesses of how it was read in historical and cultural situations different from our own. It focuses on the neo-Latin commentaries from the 16th and 17th centuries, notably those of Bernartius, Gronovius, Barth and Beraldus, which contributed heavily to the later exegetical tradition and are being used most frequently nowadays, but also those of minor and now half-forgotten figures. The commentaries written in vernacular languages and/or during the next two centuries are also briefly discussed. A selection of key passages from Statius’s Theban epic allows to see how, in the early modern period, this poem provoked keen interest, ranging from emendatio (sometimes obviously related to aesthetic questions) to antiquarianism and ethics, and how commentaries dedicated to it varied according to the idiosyncratic exegetical strategies of each scholar and the changing demands of the reading audience. At a more general level, the exegetical tradition of the Thebaid is contrasted with the very different ones of the Silvae and the Achilleid.

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Observations sur les constellations paratextuelles dans les miscellanées philologiques

2020, Berlincourt, Valéry

The countless miscellaneous volumes of critical and exegetical remarks on ancient Greek and Latin authors that were produced since Calderini, Beroaldo and Poliziano are accompanied by several kinds of paratexts relating to their contents : title-summaries of individual sections (nearly always), indexes, and marginalia. The potential effects of title-summaries on how a given volume of philological miscellanies may be used and how its scholarly discourse may be perceived differ from those of indexes and marginalia due to their specific properties. However, as shown in this article, their actual effects also vary depending on the “paratextual constellation” of the volume in question, that is to say, depending on how title-summaries combine and interact with other indications of contents.

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Exégèse antiquaire et critique sociale chez Eméric Crucé

2018, Berlincourt, Valéry

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Les répétitions comme stratégie ovidienne de constitution d’une œuvre globale : le cas des poèmes politiques de Claudien

2019, Berlincourt, Valéry

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Lucain et le souhait de domination de la déesse Roma (Claud. Ol.Prob. 160 163)

2016, Berlincourt, Valéry, Berlincourt, Valéry