Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 16
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    Instruction, Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes: A Case Study Using Anonymous Social Media in a Face-to-face Classroom
    Rodriguez Triana, Maria Jesus
    Prieto, Luis
    Gillet, Denis
    With the wide availability of mobile devices and the growing interest in social media, numerous applications have emerged to support student engagement in the classroom. There is conflicting evidence, however, on whether the engagement benefits of such applications outweigh their potential cost as a source of disaffection. To investigate these issues, this paper presents a case study on the usage of a social media app (SpeakUp) during a semester-long face-to-face university course, and its relations with the context and the learning outcomes. In this mixed-methods study, we gathered data from multiple sources (video recordings of the lessons, SpeakUp logs and messages, student questionnaires and course assessments) in order to extract self-reported and observable behavioral and emotional indicators. Our findings reveal that simple measures of behavioral engagement were insufficient to predict academic performance. Nevertheless, our models significantly improved using relatively simple and unobtrusive indicators of both behavioral and emotional engagement and disaffection. This study also points out that the mere introduction of social media in educational settings does not guarantee a positive impact on learning. To promote an effective use of social media in the classroom (raising engagement while avoiding disaffection), teachers need to design the learning activities aligning the use of social media with the learning goals.
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    Gamifying Knowledge Sharing in Humanitarian Organisations: A Design Science Journey
    (2020-2-2) ; ;
    Bendahan, Samuel
    Mazuze, Jorge
    Vonèche Cardia, Isabelle
    Gillet, Denis
    Humanitarian organisations provide invaluable work to improve the lives of individuals impacted by natural and anthropogenic hazards. While humanitarian organisations are highly knowledge intensive, they often fail to manage knowledge effectively. Providing adequate incentives to foster knowledge sharing on a knowledge management system is a challenge for many organisations. It is especially important in the humanitarian context where organisational efficiency leads to saving more lives. We argue that gamification (i.e., the integration of game-like features, such as points or badges in non-game systems) is a viable solution to address the lack of knowledge sharing often encountered. To do so, we embark on a design science journey with Doctors Without Borders to investigate how gamification within (e.g., using a personal profile) and outside (e.g., using a connected ambient object) a knowledge management system can improve knowledge sharing. Our findings demonstrate that well-designed gamification can increase engagement and knowledge sharing, in particular for altruistic individuals.
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    ICT Adoption in Executive Training for Development: Blending Digital and Physical Communication and Awareness Channels
    (: ACM, 2019-1-4)
    Ferraud, Geneviève
    Gillet, Denis
    Digital capacity building is a key policy for states to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. This paper1 presents one of the actions carried out by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) to tackle the multifaceted digitization challenges in developing and transition economies by introducing blended learning in one of its flagship executive courses. The main outcome is the obvious but generally neglected importance of focusing on the added values, the competence de- velopment, and confidence building for all stakeholders to trigger adoption. These objectives are partially tackled by blending digital and physical communication and awareness channels in face-to-face executive training sessions.
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    Blending Digital and Face-to-face Interaction using a Co-located Social Media App in the Classroom
    Govaerts, Sten
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    Vozniuk, Andrii
    Garbinato, Benoît
    Gillet, Denis
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    Fostering 21st Century Skills through Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences
    (2018-9-17) ;
    Gillet, Denis
    Laperrouza, Marc
    Maître, Jean-Philippe
    Tormey, Roland
    Vonèche Cardia, Isabelle
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    Digitally Scaffolding Debate in the Classroom
    (2018-4-21) ;
    Tintarev, Nava
    Bendahan, Samuel
    Greenup, Shane
    Gillet, Denis
    Students increasingly have access to information that can be posted by anyone without being vetted, and it becomes vital to support students in evaluating claims through debate and critical thinking. To address this issue, this paper designs and evaluates a light-weight but effective protocol for supporting debate in a classroom activity with university students. It evaluated participants’ beliefs on controversial topics (e.g., homeopathy) before and after briefly learning about critical thinking tools, posting arguments, and critically evaluating the arguments of peers. The findings suggest that this intervention led to a statistically significant belief change, and that this change was in the direction of the position best supported by evidence. Consequently, this work in progress presents a constructive approach to scaffold debates in the classroom and beyond.
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    Community Building with Co-located Social Media: A Field Experiment with Syrian Refugees
    (: ACM, 2017-11-16)
    Xu, Ying
    Maitland, Carleen
    Gillet, Denis