Voici les éléments 1 - 4 sur 4
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    AtToc90, a new GTP-binding component of the Arabidopsis chloroplast protein import machinery
    Hiltbrunner, Andreas
    Grunig, Kathrin
    Alvarez-Huerta, Mayte
    Infanger, Sibylle
    Bauer, Jörg
    AtToc159 is a GTP-binding chloroplast protein import receptor. In vivo, atToc159 is required for massive accumulation of photosynthetic proteins during chloroplast biogenesis. Yet, in mutants lacking atToc159 photosynthetic proteins still accumulate, but at strongly reduced levels whereas non-photosynthetic proteins are imported normally: This suggests a role for the homologues of atToc159 (atToc132, - 120 and - 90). Here, we show that atToc90 supports accumulation of photosynthetic proteins in plastids, but is not required for import of several constitutive proteins. Part of atToc90 associates with the chloroplast surface in vivo and with the Toc-complex core components (atToc75 and atToc33) in vitro suggesting a function in chloroplast protein import similar to that of atToc159. As both proteins specifically contribute to the accumulation of photosynthetic proteins in chloroplasts they may be components of the same import pathway.
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    AtTic110 functions as a scaffold for coordinating the stromal events of protein import into chloroplasts
    Inaba, Takehito
    Li, Ming
    Alvarez-Huerta, Mayte
    Schnell, Danny
    The translocon of the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts ( Tic) mediates the late events in the translocation of nucleus-encoded preproteins into chloroplasts. Tic110 is a major integral membrane component of active Tic complexes and has been proposed to function as a docking site for translocation-associated stromal factors and as a component of the protein-conducting channel. To investigate the various proposed functions of Tic110, we have investigated the structure, topology, and activities of a 97.5-kDa fragment of Arabidopsis Tic110 ( atTic110) lacking only the amino-terminal transmembrane segments. The protein was expressed both in Escherichia coli and Arabidopsis as a stable, soluble protein with a high alpha-helical content. Binding studies demonstrate that a region of the at-Tic110-soluble domain selectively associates with chloroplast preproteins at the late stages of membrane translocation. These data support the hypothesis that the bulk of Tic110 extends into the chloroplast stroma and suggest that the domain forms a docking site for preproteins as they emerge from the Tic translocon.
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    Essential role of the G-domain in targeting of the protein import receptor atToc159 to the chloroplast outer membrane
    Bauer, Jörg
    Hiltbrunner, Andreas
    Vidi, Pierre-Alexandre
    Alvarez-Huerta, Mayte
    Smith, Matthew
    Schnell, Danny
    Two homologous GTP-binding proteins, atToc33 and atToc159, control access of cytosolic precursor proteins to the chloroplast. atToc33 is a constitutive outer chloroplast membrane protein, whereas the precursor receptor atToc159 also exists in a soluble, cytosolic form. This suggests that atToc159 may be able to switch between a soluble and an integral membrane form. By transient expression of GFP fusion proteins, mutant analysis, and biochemical experimentation, we demonstrate that the GTP-binding domain regulates the targeting of cytosolic atToc159 to the chloroplast and mediates the switch between cytosolic and integral membrane forms. Mutant atToc159, unable to bind GTP, does not reinstate a green phenotype in an albino mutant (ppi2) lacking endogenous atToc159, remaining trapped in the cytosol. Thus, the function of atToc159 in chloroplast biogenesis is dependent on an intrinsic GTP-regulated switch that controls localization of the receptor to the chloroplast envelope.
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    Protein translocon at the Arabidopsis outer chloroplast membrane
    Hiltbrunner, Andreas
    Bauer, Jörg
    Alvarez-Huerta, Mayte
    Chloroplasts are organelles essential for the photoautotrophic growth of plants. Their biogenesis from undifferentiated proplastids is triggered by light and requires the import of hundreds of different precursor proteins from the cytoplasm. Cleavable N-terminal transit sequences target the precursors to the chloroplast where translocon complexes at the outer (Toc complex) and inner (Tic complex) envelope membranes enable their import. In pea, the Toc complex is trimeric consisting of two surface-exposed GTP-binding proteins (Toc159 and Toc34) involved in precursor recognition and Toc75 forming an aequeous protein-conducting channel. Completion of the Arabidopsis genome has revealed an unexpected complexity of predicted components of the Toc complex in this plant model organism: four genes encode homologs of Toc159, two encode homologs of Toc34, but only one encodes a likely functional homolog of Toc75. The availability of the genomic sequence data and powerful molecular genetic techniques in Arabidopsis set the stage to unravel the mechanisms of chloroplast protein import in unprecedented depth.