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Increased Capital Mobility/Liquidity and its Repercussions at Regional Level

2005, Corpataux, José, Crevoisier, Olivier

The most significant structural change undergone by the British and Swiss economies during the past 25 years (1975-2000) is indisputably the development of their financial systems. From this point of view, the two countries show a number of similarities: the presence of one or more international financial place(s), large enterprises which expanded greatly on the international front during that period, the decline of their industrial regions, a monetarist-type monetary policy that involved floating their currency on the external market, a more or less enthusiastic policy of liberalizing their financial markets, etc. In these two countries, the development of international financial centres and the decline of the industrial regions took place in parallel. The question that remains is: are these developments linked? There have been many studies dealing with the relationship between finance and industry. But this article is original in that it approaches the question principally from the spatial angle (by contrasting the evolution of the financial centres with that of the other regions) and from the sectoral angle (by making a distinction between finance and the industrial activities).

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L'essor et le déclin de l'Occident : une perspective géographique

2012-3-13, Grether, Jean-marie, Lutzelschwab, Claude, Mathys, Nicole

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Rebound Effects in Car Transportation

2018-4-6, Hediger, Cécile

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Impact économique et régional des services publics. Trois études de cas

1985, Agustoni, Roberto, Jeanrenaud, Claude, Vuithier, Marlène

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Coûts humains de la dépendance au tabac

2002, Vannotti, Marco, Priez, France, Jeanrenaud, Claude, Zellweger, Jean-Pierre

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The chicken or the egg: Technology adoption and network infrastructure in the market for electric vehicles

2020, Delacrétaz, Nathan, Lanz, Bruno, van Dijk, Jeremy

We document non-linear stock effects in the relationship linking emerging technology adoption and network infrastructure increments. We exploit 2010-2017 data covering nascent to mature electric vehicle (EV) markets across 422 Norwegian municipalities together with two complementary identification strategies: control function regressions of EV sales on flexible polynomials in the stock of charging stations and charging points, and synthetic control methods to quantify the impact of initial infrastructure provision in municipalities that previously had none. Our results are consistent with indirect network effects and the behavioral bias called “range anxiety”, and support policies targeting early infrastructure provision to incentivize EV adoption.

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Incidence and wage effects of educational mismatch in the Swiss labour market

2013, Pecoraro, Marco

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How effective are integration policy reforms? The case of asylum-related migrants

2022-1-28, Pecoraro, Marco, Manatschal, Anita, Green, Eva G.T., Wanner, Philippe

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Suppression du taux plancher : l’industrie est touchée

2017-10-24, Kaufmann, Daniel, Renkin, Tobias

L’appréciation du franc suite à la suppression du taux de change plancher face à l’euro en janvier 2015 a entraîné, au moins temporairement, des suppressions d’emplois dans l’industrie suisse. Une étude du KOF le montre.

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Une analyse non paramétrique de l'efficience technique des exploitations forestières suisses

2015-3-1, Mack, Jan Alexander