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Academic Institute
354 Résultats
Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 354
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementLe chargé des réseaux socio-numériques au sein des médias. Entre logiques gatekeeping, marketing et participative(2019-3-20)
; À partir d’une enquête menée au sein de onze rédactions françaises, cet article vise à étudier les modalités de gestion des réseaux socionumériques (RSN) en interrogeant les personnes qui en ont la charge. L’analyse met en évidence l’existence d’un discours partagé du métier de chargé des RSN, défini par un socle commun de huit tâches dont l’opérationnalisation présente des distinctions parfois fortes. Cette tension, entre homogénéité d’un discours et hétérogénéité des pratiques, s’explique par des jeux de négociations entre trois logiques (gatekeeping, marketing et participative) encadrant et donnant un sens à l’action. Il apparaît enfin que ces logiques sont dépendantes de la nature des médias, des stratégies mises en œuvre et des caractéristiques organisationnelles des rédactions. - PublicationMétadonnées seulementThe Contribution of Reference Modeling for Organizing Enterprise Mashup EnvironmentsA new kind of Web-based applications, known as Enterprise Mashups, has gained momentum in the recent years. The vision is that business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner user friendly building blocks in the envisioned Enterprise 2.0. However, the transfer of this concept into practice is still a serious issue. Whereas most research focuses on technical aspects, we point the organizational dimension of implementing Enterprise Mashups. In particular, we claim that new capabilities are needed within the implementing organization that have yet to be discovered. For that purpose we propose a reference model for organizing Enterprise Mashup environments. We also report on two applications of this model within the projects SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace and FAST. In summary, we reflect on the usefulness of the reference model for making Mashups happen in enterprise environments.
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementRepresentation, Normalization and Processing of Quantitative Information(1993)
; ;Geyer, GeorgHöhener, Thomas - PublicationMétadonnées seulementThe Turku Approach to Create a Wireless Infrastructure(2006)
; Hingisto, P - PublicationMétadonnées seulement
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementHow to handle the Long Tail of Business Negotiations: The Open Negotiation Environment (ONE) PlatformIn course of the EU-funded project Open Negotiation Environment (ONE), an Open Source platform was developed which allows modelling and executing of individual complex business negotiations. This paper focuses in particular on unstructured business negotiations. Instead of following a pre-defined negotiation process, real-world business negotiations are characterised by serveral negotiations steps within the different negotiation phases (admission, readiness, negotiation, and acceptance). By following the design science research methodology, this paper presents a report of the achieved results in each phase of the design science approach. The designed and underlying meta model to model business negotiations are introduced. By means of a developed prototype the application is demonstrated. A case study in the facility management in Italy evaluates the underlying concepts and benefits of the solution.
- PublicationMétadonnées seulement
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementUne re-définition de la frontière Humain-Animal à travers les images des médias d'information suisses(2009-1-1)
;Gorin, Valérie; Burton-Jeangros, Claudine