Continuous wave operation of quantum cascade lasers
Beck, Mattias
Aellen, Thierry
Blaser, Stéphane
Faist, Jérôme
Oesterle, Ursula
Gini Emilio
Date de parution
Journal of Crystal Growth, Elsevier, 2003/251/1-4/697-700
Continuous wave (CW) operation of quantum cascade lasers is reported up to temperatures of 312 K. The devices were fabricated as buried heterostructure lasers and episide-down mounted for improved heat dissipation. Fabry–Perot lasers emitted 17 mW of continuous optical power at 292 K and still 3 mW at 311 K at λ=9.12 μm. Distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers showed CW single-mode operation up to 260 K at λ=9.0 μm with a side mode suppression rate better than 30 dB.
Type de publication
journal article
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