Sample coordination methods and systems for establishment surveys
Smith, Paul
Maison d'édition
Hoboken: Wiley
Date de parution
Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection
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Sample coordination has been a topic of interest in the world of establishment surveys,
from well before the first International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES-I), where
Ohlsson (1995) summarised the state of the art of methods using permanent random numbers
(PRNs). A range of procedures have been proposed in the literature for sample coordination
(divided into PRN and non-PRN methods), and these have given rise to several implementations in different countries. The national statistical offices of different countries currently
use so-called ‘sample coordination systems’. ‘Sample coordination methods’ and ‘sample coordination systems’ represent, in our opinion, two different concepts. The existing literature
does not distinguish between them. Moreover, a definition of a sample coordination system
has not yet been provided, while the term is widely used. This chapter aims to review
these two concepts and to underline the similarities and distinctions between them. First,
we review the main existing methods for sample coordination, and highlight their strengths
and weaknesses. Next, we enumerate the components of a coordination system and review
some of those currently being used in different countries. Finally, we distinguish ‘sample
coordination methods’ and ‘sample coordination systems’.
from well before the first International Conference on Establishment Surveys (ICES-I), where
Ohlsson (1995) summarised the state of the art of methods using permanent random numbers
(PRNs). A range of procedures have been proposed in the literature for sample coordination
(divided into PRN and non-PRN methods), and these have given rise to several implementations in different countries. The national statistical offices of different countries currently
use so-called ‘sample coordination systems’. ‘Sample coordination methods’ and ‘sample coordination systems’ represent, in our opinion, two different concepts. The existing literature
does not distinguish between them. Moreover, a definition of a sample coordination system
has not yet been provided, while the term is widely used. This chapter aims to review
these two concepts and to underline the similarities and distinctions between them. First,
we review the main existing methods for sample coordination, and highlight their strengths
and weaknesses. Next, we enumerate the components of a coordination system and review
some of those currently being used in different countries. Finally, we distinguish ‘sample
coordination methods’ and ‘sample coordination systems’.
Type de publication
book part
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