Addressing Dynamism in E-negotiations by Workflow Management Systems
Benyoucef, Morad
Keller, Rudolf K.
Date de parution
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 02), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2002///655–659
Workflows (Wfs) are a major enabling technology for e-commerce. In our research, a Combined Negotiation (CN) is modeled and enacted using Wf technology. The model-ing task captures the sequencing of the individual negotia-tions as well as the dependencies between them, and the enacting task runs the model. A CN support system (CON-SENSUS) is used by the user to perform both tasks. Sup-porting dynamic modifications to the model during run-time should increase the benefits of our approach. In this paper, we highlight the need for such support by identify-ing the dynamic aspects that can occur while negotiating the different items of a package (i.e., the CN object). To address these aspects, we experimented using ADEPT, a Wf Management System supporting dynamism. This leads us to discuss the Wf Reference Model of the Wf Manage-ment Coalition, and suggest a “dynamic” extension to the current functional areas and architecture.
Type de publication
journal article
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