MBE growth of nitride-based photovoltaic intersubband detectors
Monroy, Eva
Guillot, Fabien
Leconte, Sylvain
Bellet-Amalric, Edith
Baumann, Esther
Giorgetta, Fabrizio R.
Nevou, Laurent
Tchernycheva, Maria
Doyennette, Laeticia
Julien, François H.
Remmele, T.
Albrecht, M.
Date de parution
Superlattices and Microstructures, Elsevier, 2006/40/4-6/418-425
In this work, we present the plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxial growth of quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) structures, including the Si-doped GaN/AlN short-period superlattice of the active region, conductive AlGaN claddings and integration of the final device. The growth of Si-doped GaN/AlN multiple quantum well (QW) structures is optimized by controlling substrate temperature, metal excess and growth interruptions. Structural characterization confirms a reduction of the interface roughness to the monolayer scale. <i>P</i>-polarized intersubband absorption peaks covering the 1.33–1.91 μm wavelength range are measured on samples with QW thickness varying from 1 to 2.5 nm. The absorption exhibits Lorentzian shape with a line width around 100 meV in QWs doped 5×10<sup>19</sup> cm<sup>−3</sup>. To prevent partial depletion of the QWs owing to the internal electric field, we have developed highly-conductive Si-doped AlGaN cladding layers using In as a surfactant during growth. Complete ISB photodetectors with 40 periods of 1 nm-thick Si-doped GaN QWs with 2 nm-thick AlN barriers have been grown on conductive AlGaN claddings, the Al mole fraction of the cladding matching the average Al content of the active region. Temperature-dependent photovoltage measurements reveal a narrow (90 meV) detection peak at 1.39 μm.
Type de publication
journal article
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