All-optical microwave generation using frequency combs
Date de parution
- peignes de fréquences optiques
- lasers ultra-stables
- métrologie temps-fréquence
- génération de micro-onde
- oscillateur optique
- lasers à verrouillage de modes
- lasers à corps solide pompés par diode
- mesures de bruit
- discriminateurs de fréquence
- cavité optique à haute finesse
- optical frequency combs
- ultra-stable lasers
- time and frequency metrology
- microwave generation
- optical oscillator
- mode-locked lasers
- diode-pumped solid-state lasers
- noise measurements
- frequency discriminators
- high finesse optical cavity
peignes de fréquences...
lasers ultra-stables
métrologie temps-fréq...
génération de micro-o...
oscillateur optique
lasers à verrouillage...
lasers à corps solide...
mesures de bruit
discriminateurs de fr...
cavité optique à haut...
optical frequency com...
ultra-stable lasers
time and frequency me...
microwave generation
optical oscillator
mode-locked lasers
diode-pumped solid-st...
noise measurements
frequency discriminat...
high finesse optical ...
Optical frequency combs from modelocked femtosecond lasers provide a direct, phase-coherent link between the radio frequency and optical domains. This thesis describes the development and realization of an ultra-stable microwave oscillator based on optical-to-microwave frequency transfer using two different optical frequency comb technologies. <br> An optical reference oscillator is realized based on Pound-Drever-Hall stabilization of a laser to a high finesse Fabry-Perot cavity. A multilayer vacuum enclosure system was designed, built, assembled and characterized, with the aim of achieving a high filtering of any external thermal perturbation that might affect the cavity, leading to a thermal time constant of more than six days. <br> In this thesis the noise properties of a commercial Er:fiber optical frequency comb and of an Er:Yb:glass laser oscillator frequency comb, referred to as ERGO and developed in ETH Zurich, have been investigated. The benefit of the ERGO diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL) in terms of low noise operation is demonstrated by a 20-fold improvement in the residual fractional frequency stability of the stabilized CEO beat as compared to the Er:fiber comb. The measured CEO integrated phase noise of only 0.72 rad rms is one of the lowest values reported for a self-referenced comb the 1.5 µm spectral region. Furthermore, this thesis gives new insights into the noise in a fiber frequency comb not only from the experimental point of view but also by providing a theoretical model addressing the cross-influence between the CEO and repetition rate stabilization loops. <br> Finally, generation of microwave signals via optical-to-microwave frequency division using both fiber and DPSSL frequency comb technologies is discussed. The evaluation of the generated microwave signals was made with a transportable ultra-stable cryogenically-cooled sapphire oscillator. The microwave signals generated with both combs showed a similar fractional frequency stability of 5×10 15 at 1 s and several possible present limitations have been investigated. However, the use of the ERGO comb proved to be beneficial compared to the Er:fiber comb in terms of close-to-carrier phase noise of the microwave signal, resulting in a 20 dB improvement in a large Fourier frequency range (100 Hz – 100 kHz) offset from a 10 GHz carrier.
Thèse de doctorat : Université de Neuchâtel, 2012
Type de publication
doctoral thesis
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