Continuous-wave distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers on a Peltier cooler
Aellen, Thierry
Blaser, Stéphane
Beck, Mattias
Faist, Jérôme
Gini Emilio
Date de parution
Applied Physics Letters, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2003/83//1929-1931
Continuous-wave operation of λ~9 <i>µ</i>m distributed-feedback quantum-cascade lasers is reported up to a temperature of 260 K. Single-frequency emission with a side mode suppression ratio of ≥27 dB and with a tuning range of 5 cm<sup>–1</sup> between 200 and 245 K (a tunability of –0.078 cm<sup>–1</sup>/K and –0.764 cm<sup>–1</sup>/W) is obtained for the junction-down mounted buried heterostructure devices. Uncoated lasers display an output power of up to 18 mW at 180 K and still 1 mW at 250 K. Lasers with high-reflection coated facets could be operated up to 260 K.
Type de publication
journal article
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