Characterization of InGaN/GaN-Based Multi-Quantum Well Distributed Feedback Lasers
Thornton, Robert L.
Romano, Linda T.
Bour, David P.
Kneissl, Michael
Donaldson, Rose M.
Dunnrowicz, Clarence
Date de parution
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, Materials Research Society (MRS), 1999/4S1/G2.2/1-6
We present a device fabrication technology and measurement results of both optically pumped and electrically injected InGaN/GaN-based distributed feedback (DFB) lasers operated at room temperature. For the optically pumped DFB laser, we demonstrate a complex coupling scheme for the first time, whereas the electrically injected device is based on normal index coupling. Threshold currents as low as 1.1 A were observed in 500 µm long and 10 µm wide devices. The 3<sup>rd</sup> order grating providing feedback was defined holographically and dry-etched into the upper waveguiding layer by chemically-assisted ion beam etching. Even when operating these lasers considerably above threshold, a spectrally narrow emission (3.5 Å) at wavelengths around 400 nm was seen.
Type de publication
journal article