Contribution of a GIS in the spatial modeling of the hydrologic balance of Allondon watershed (France, Switzerland)
Ebener, Steeve
Wildi, Walter
Jaquet, J-M
Fortin, J.-P
3rd International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources At Risk, Lisbon, Portugal, 2001///167-176
This paper discusses the development of an approach allowing the spatial distribution of the hydrologic balance at the watershed scale using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Methods were developed in order to obtain the intensity distribution of precipitation, interception, infiltration, runoff and evapotranspiration. These methods have been applied on the Allondon watershed (France, Switzerland). At the scale of this watershed (142 km<sup>2</sup>), the annual input of rain reaches 190*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup>, the snow melt contributing to 4*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> to this amount. Vegetation intercepts 26*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> from which 8*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> aren’t evapotranspired but reaching the ground. On the ground surface, 176*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> are divided into runoff for 92*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> and infiltration for 84*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup>. The evapotranspiration generates a return of 61*10<sup>6</sup>m<sup>3</sup> in the atmosphere. This volume of water comes from interception and from the stock observed in the soils.
Type de publication
journal article
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