Mündliches Argumentieren im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kollaboration und Abgrenzung – Zu lokalen Gruppenidentitäten in schulischen Einigungsdiskussionen
Date de parution
Bulletin VALS-ASLA, Vereinigung für angewandte Linguistik in der Schweiz (VALS-ASLA) (Swiss association of applied linguistics), 2017/N° spécial/T2/147-159
There is a need for more precise descriptions of disfluency markers in the actual oral dialogic productions of learners of French as a foreign language to inform language pedagogy. This research aims at documenting communicative strategies used by learners of French when confronted with gaps in communication, namely phenomena of hesitation and repairs (repetition, self-correction and false start) occurring during SLA learners' spontaneous speech at different stages of proficiency. It is based on a longitudinal oral learner corpus of actual spontaneous speech by Jamaican learners of French. We will also compare the observed results with the descriptors available in the Common European Framework describing a conscious communicative strategy of self-correction and suggest pedagogical ways to improve oral communication.
Type de publication
journal article
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