Le jeu en situation de thérapie logopédique : comment se construisent des échanges potentiellement acquisitionnels
Rodi, Mireille
Date de parution
Revue Tranel (Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique), Institut des sciences du langage et de la communication, Université de Neuchâtel, 2007/46//33-50
This text presents a study about the role of interaction between a speech therapist and a child during a situation of symbolic play. We would like to show how certain sequences are "teaching-learning sequences" The approaches developed in psycholinguistic of the child and in second language acquisition are the theoretical background of our work. They give us the tools to follow the interactive process in this kind of situation. We describe the different situations of our study and the methodological option we have chosen. At last we present some of the first results of our observations.
Type de publication
journal article
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