Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 13
  • Publication
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    Confirmation that Rickettsia helvetica sp. nov. Is a Distinct Species of the Spotted Fever Group of Rickettsiae
    Beati, Lorenza
    Péter, Olivier
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Raoult, Didier
    We propose the name Rickettsia helvetica sp. nov. for a rickettsial serotype of unknown pathogenicity isolated in 1979 in Switzerland from Ixodes ricinus ticks and designated the Swiss agent. The growth characteristics and the results of microimmunofluorescence serologic typing, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western blotting (immunoblotting) with specific mice sera, and a polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis confirmed previously reported preliminary findings which suggested that this rickettsia, to which a name was given provisionally, does represent a new member of the spotted fever group of rickettsiae. The type strain is C3 (Reference Center for Rickettsioses, Marseille, France).
  • Publication
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    The Ecology of Lyme Borreliosis in Europe
    (1992) ;
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Krampitz, H. E.
  • Publication
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    Erythema chronicum migrans – a tickborne spirochetosis
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Barbour, Alan G.
    Hayes, Stanley F.
    Péter, Olivier
  • Publication
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    Rickettsia conorii isolated from Rhipicephalus sanguineus introduced into Switzerland on a pet dog
    (1984) ;
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Chatelanat, P.
    A tick/rickettsial survey in a household near Geneva, Switzerland, revealed that 30 (40%) of 75 nymphs and adults of the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, were infected with a rickettsial agent biologically and antigenically indistinguishable from R. conorii, the causative agent of boutonneuse fever. Introduced in 1976 from either southern France of Italy by the family''s pet dog, the tick infestation had steadily increased until 1981 when control measures were initiated. During 1980 and 1981, four persons associated with the household''s pet dog contracted a febrile illness diagnosed as boutonneuse fever.
  • Publication
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    Die Zecken-Meningoradikulitis - eine Spirochätose
    Caflisch, U.
    Tönz, O.
    Schaad, U. B.
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Es wird über drei Fälle von Zekken-Meningoradikulitis im Kindesalter berichtet. Diese Erkrankung ist klinisch durch eine typische Symptomenfolge gekennzeichnet: Erythema chronicum migrans, lokalisierte Schmerzen und schliesslich asymmetrische neurologische Ausfälle (insbesondere Fazialisparesen), begleitet von chronischer lymphozytärer Meningitis. Aufgrund serologischer Untersuchungen an unseren Patienten darf angenommen werden, dass es sich bei dieser Krankheit wie bei der amerikanischen Lyme-Arthritis um eine Spirochätose handelt. Analoge positive Serumtiter konnten wir bei weiteren Patienten mit Erythema chronicum migrans und bei einem Kind mit benigner Lymphadenosis cutis Bäfverstedt nachweisen (s. Anhang). 20% der in der Region Luzern untersuchten Zecken (Ixodes ricinus) sind tatsächlich Träger dieser kürzlich entdeckten Zecken-Spirochäte., Three pediatric cases oftick-bomemeningoradiculitis are presented. This disease is characterized by a distinct sequence of symptoms: erythema chronicum migrans, localized pain. and eventually radicular asymmetric neurologic involvement (in particular facial palsy) associated with findings of aseptic meningitis. On the basis of specific serologic data in these three patients, it is suggested that the etiology of tick-borne meningoradiculitis is also spirochetal, as recently shown for the tick-associated Lyme disease. Analogue positive spirochetal antibody liters were found in additional patients with erythema chronicum migrans and in a child with Bafverstedt cutaneous ymphadenosis (see addendum). 20% of tick specimens collected in the area of Lucerne (Ixodes ricinus) were infected by these spirochetes.
  • Publication
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    Isolation of a cultivable spirochete from Ixodes ricinus ticks of Switzerland
    Barbour, Alan G.
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Hayes, Stanley F.
    Péter, Olivier
    We have isolated in BSK medium a spirochete of Ixodes ricinus ticks. The ticks were collected from an area of Switzerland where erythema chronicum migrans, a tick-borne, penicillin-ameliorated inflammatory disorder, is endemic. The I. ricinus spirochete was very similar in its morphology, polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis profile, and antigenic determinants to a spirochete that was previously isolated from Ixodes dammini ticks of the United States.
  • Publication
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    Erythma chronicum migrans a tickborne – a tickborne spirochetosis. Short communication
    Burgdorfer, Willy
    Barbour, Alan G.
    Hayes, Stanley F.
    Péter, Olivier
  • Publication
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    Presence of micro-organisms in ticks from the Ivory Coast
    Graf, Jean-François
    Niederer, A.
    Burgdorfer, Willy
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