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Le «Corpus oral de français de Suisse romande (OFROM) et les variétés du français en Suisse»

2016-11-23, Diémoz, Federica, Avanzi, Mathieu

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Résultats d'une enquête sur la variation syntaxique en Suisse romande

2015-11-4, Diémoz, Federica, Avanzi, Mathieu

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Asyndètes temporelles

2015-1-1, Avanzi, Mathieu, Johnsen, Laure Anne

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La prosodie du "français fédéral". Étude de la vitesse d'articulation et de l'accentuation en français L1 et L2.

2013, Dubosson, Pauline, Schwab, Sandra, Avanzi, Mathieu

The aim of this study is to examine some prosodic features of a variety of L2 French commonly called "français fédéral", which is a variety of French spoken by people who have a Swiss German dialect as L1. We compared the data of 4 groups of 4 speakers: 2 groups of French native speakers (from Neuchâtel in Switzerland and from Paris) and 2 groups of 4 Swiss German French speakers (from Bern and Zurich but living in Neuchâtel for at least 20 years). The data were semi-automatically processed. We examined two prosodic properties: articulation rate and accentuation. Our findings suggest that: (i) native speakers from Paris articulate faster than native speakers from Neuchâtel; (ii) non-native speakers articulate as fast as the native speakers of the corresponding variety; (iii) "français fédéral" shares several features with a lexical accentuation system rather than with a supra-lexical accentuation system.

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De l'archive de parole au corpus de référence: la base de données orales du français de Suisse romande (OFROM)

2016-9-16, Avanzi, Mathieu, Béguelin, Marie-José, Diémoz, Federica

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Les premiers résultats de l'enquête sur les usages du français parlé dans les Alpes et le Jura

2015-11-3, Diémoz, Federica, Avanzi, Mathieu

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C-PROM-Task: A New Annotated Dataset for the Study of French Speech Prosody

2013-8-30, Avanzi, Mathieu, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Gonzalez, Sylvia, Fossard, Marion, Schwab, Sandra

The aim of this paper is to describe C-PROM-Task, a dataset created and annotated in the same spirit as C-PROM [1]. CPROM-Task was annotated following a perceptually-based and computer-assisted procedure for the study of syllabic prominences, syllabic disfluences and two ranges of prosodic units. All told, C-PROM-Task comprises recordings and annotated TextGrids of story-telling by 20 native French speakers from Switzerland. The entire dataset is 2 hours 20 minutes long. Some observations are also made regarding accentuation (prominence rate), disfluence rate and phrasing (length of prosodic units) in the corpus.

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2016, Avanzi, Mathieu, Béguelin, Marie-José, Diémoz, Federica

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Syntaxe externe des séquences du type (ne pas) savoir qu- en françaisparlé: l'apport des indications prosodiques

2015-2-12, Avanzi, Mathieu, Béguelin, Marie-José

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Notes de recheche sur l'accentuation et le phrasé prosodique à la lumière des corpus de français

2013, Avanzi, Mathieu

In this paper the main rules for stress assignment in French, the constraints relative to the formation of minor prosodic units (Accentual Phrases) and major prosodic units (Intonational Phrases, IP) are first recalled. A procedure developed in order to annotate semi-automatically these phenomena in different French corpora is then described. Finally the results of two studies are presented. The first one is conducted on a 4-hour long corpus (designed for the statistical study of regional variation in Swiss French). It aims at testing the robustness of two phonological rules implicated in the formation of Accentual Phrase in French (deaccentuation of pre-nominal adjectives (a sequel to the Align-XHead constraint), accentual clash avoidance rule). The second summarizes the main results obtained in the author’s PhD thesis (Avanzi, 2012). It is conducted on a set of data containing approximately 800 dislocated-sentences. It questions the weight of syntactic and information structure cues in front of prosodic structure cues in order to identify Intonational Phrase boundaries.