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A standardised in vivo and in vitro test method for evaluating tick repellents

2013, Kroeber, Thomas, Bourquin, Martine, Guerin, Patrick

The threat of transmission of Lyme borelliosis and tick-borne encephalitis by ixodid ticks has resulted in an increasing number of tick repellents coming onto the market. To allow proper evaluation of the efficacy of different types of compounds and their formulations, there is a need for standardised methods for testing ticks repellents. Ticks show a marked negative geotactic response following contact with a potential host, i.e., they climb up in order to locate attachment and feeding sites, whereas exposing ticks to repellents induces positive geotaxis, i.e., ticks walk downwards or drop off the treated host or substrate. We describe here complementary tests that employ these geotactic responses to evaluate repellents: one in vitro on a warm glass plate and the other on the lower human leg (shin). The compounds tested were DEET, EBAAP, icaridin, capric acid, lauric acid, geraniol, citriodiol, citronella essential oil and lavender essential oil, all non-proprietary ingredients of widely distributed tick repellent formulations. In controls on both the warm glass plate and the human leg, the majority of Nodes ricinus nymphs walk upwards. By contrast, in both the in vitro and in vivo tests, effective doses of repellents cause ticks to either walk downwards or fall off the substrates, termed here "affected ticks". The ED75 values for affected ticks on the human leg indicate that the test products can be divided into three groups: (1) icaridin, EBAAP, DEET and capric acid with values between 0.013 and 0.020 mg/cm(2), (2) citriodiol and lauric acid with values between 0.035 and 0.058 mg/cm(2), and (3) geraniol, citronella oil and lavender essential oil with values between 0.131 and 1.58 mg/cm2. The latter three products can be considered as less effective repellents. The tests on the warm glass plate resulted in very similar efficacy rankings for the products tested in vivo, and the ticks' behavioural responses also corresponded closely to those observed on the treated human leg. The ED75 values on the glass plate ranged from half to one sixth needed on the leg. The warm glass plate test thus provides a reliable alternative to human subjects for an initial evaluation of new repellents, and is particularly appropriate for testing products with still to be determined human toxicity and dermatological effects. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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In vitro assays for repellents and deterrents for ticks: differing effects of products when tested with attractant or arrestment stimuli

2003, McMahon, Conor, Kroeber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

Most in vivo and in vitro tests with repellents or deterrents against ticks have not considered which sensory channel is being targeted. We have recorded the responses of two hard tick species (Acari: Ixodidae) in vitro to determine if such products can disrupt the perception of an attractant in a repellent assay or the perception of an arrestment stimulus in a deterrent assay. Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (EBAAP), N,N-diethyl-methyl-benzamide (deet), permethrin and indalone were chosen to test their capacity to inhibit the attraction of Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius to its aggregation-attachment pheromone. Vapours of each test product plus those from a synthetic blend of the pheromone were delivered to the walking tick in an air stream on a locomotion compensator. Neither EBAAP, deet, permethrin nor indalone could inhibit attraction of A. variegatum even when each of the test products was delivered at 10(6) times the pheromone. Indalone did decrease the attraction of A. variegatum to the pheromone and induced repulsion of A. variegatum when presented on its own in the air stream. The effect of permethrin, a sodium channel blocker, was also tested in a deterrent assay measuring the arrestment of Ixodes ricinus (L.) adults on its own faeces and faecal constituents. Permethrin deterred arrestment at doses of 670 fg/cm(2) to 67 ng/cm(2), i.e. at levels five times lower than the dose of chemostimuli present in the arrestment stimulus. This sensitivity to permethrin suggests that it acts via the contact chemoreception channel.

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The dynamics of an avoidance behavior by ixodid ticks to liquid water

2000, Kroeber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

Life stages of different tick species avoid walking on a wet surface surrounding a dry patch by systematically returning to the dry each time they contact the wet surface beyond the border with the tip of a first leg tarsus. Sequential analysis of the border behaviors shows that repetitive contact with the water increases the probability of walks astride the border. Ticks accept this unilateral contact with the water for longer intervals and eventually walk on to the wet surface after a combination of a short patch walk followed by a border walk which is longer than the foregoing ones. Staying time on a small circular patch is shorter than on a large one, arising probably from faster adaptation of peripheral receptors following a higher frequency of border contacts. However, an equal number of border reactions on patches of different sires and shapes suggests that a 'counter' in the CNS may also influence dry patch departure.

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Contact chemostimuli in the mating behaviour of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus

1999, de Bruyne, Marien, Guerin, Patrick

Mating of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus is mediated by chemical stimuli on the cuticle of females. Males are arrested on the dorsum of females attached to the host, frequently sample the substrate, and then tip-over to the ventrally located gonopore. These behaviours are also observed in vitro when males are placed on a small glass bead treated with a female extract. Time spent and tip-over by male ticks on dummies is used in an assay to test the behavioural significance of fractions of the extract. TLC separation yields one apolar fraction that arrests males, though much less so than the whole extract, but lost tip-over behaviour. This apolar fraction contains a series of cholesteryl esters that, when tested individually, show no arrestment activity at levels present in the extract but, when combined, are as active as the fraction. When a small silica column is used for fractionation, all biological activity is reproduced after recombining the fractions. In addition to the early eluting apolar fraction containing cholesteryl esters, a set of highly active more polar fractions is isolated. Electrophysiological recordings from gustatory sensilla on the pedipalps of male B. microplus, which are regularly brought into contact with the cuticle of the female during mating, provide evidence for receptors in two of them responding to the whole extract and to the behaviourally active polar fractions. Mating behaviour involving arrestment and tip-over is clearly initiated by a mixture of chemical stimuli, and tip-over behaviour is associated with the more polar material.

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The tick blood meal: From a living animal or from a silicone membrane?

2007, Kroeber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

An artificial feeding unit with a reinforced silicone membrane to replace host skin provides ticks with a perch over blood with a tick attachment rate of 75-100%. Some 5 mg of an acaricide like fipronil is sufficient to establish survival curves over different doses down to ppb levels in blood. This in vitro feeding assay for hard ticks is more advantageous than in vivo trials on animals.

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Darkness induces mobility, and saturation deficit limits questing duration, in the tick Ixodes ricinus

2003, Perret, Jean-Luc, Guerin, Patrick, Diehl, Peter-Allan, Vlimant, MichĆØle, Gern, Lise

The behaviour of Ixodes ricinus nymphs was recorded in 10-day experiments using computer-assisted video-tracking, in the absence of any host stimuli. These ticks switch spontaneously from questing in a desiccating atmosphere to quiescence in a water-saturated atmosphere after dark. Quantification of both questing and quiescence duration demonstrates that questing duration is inversely related to saturation deficit whereas quiescence duration is not. Distance walked after quiescence increased with desiccating conditions, while the distance walked after questing remained unchanged. Almost all locomotor activities of I. ricinus occurred during darkness under either a 14 h:10 h L:D or a 8 h:4 h L:D cycle. We established that all life stages of I. ricinus are equipped to sense shifts in light intensity with bilaterally placed strings of photoreceptors. This permits I. ricinus to use onset of darkness to trigger mobility when desiccation risk is reduced in nature.

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Responses of the tropical bont tick, Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius), to its aggregation-attachment pheromone presented in an air stream on a servosphere

2000, McMahon, Conor, Guerin, Patrick

Male Amblyomma variegatum ticks feeding on a host release a mixture of o-nitrophenol and methyl salicylate which serves to attract conspecifics. The behavioural responses of A. variegatum on a servosphere to these volatiles presented in an air stream are detailed hers. In still air, ticks walked on all eight legs, but with long halts. In contrast, the air stream caused continuous walking and induced a reaching response where the forelegs actively sampled the air. Such reaching increased the angular velocity and reduced walking speed, effects that were amplified in the presence of vapours from o-nitrophenol and methyl salicylate in the air flowing over the ticks. Vapour from a 1:1 mixture of o-nitrophenol and methyl salicylate was attractive over a 10(4)-fold concentration range providing an increase in upwind displacement of 20-40%, significantly higher than the natural ratio where o-nitrophenol vapour predominates. Although the responses to o-nitrophenol vapour were variable when presented alone, this chemical was consistently attractive when delivered with steer hair odour - unattractive on its own. Moreover, the upwind walk to this combination did not cause a change in speed or angular velocity. This supports the hypothesis that the response to the pheromone is enhanced by host odour.

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The Tick Blood Meal: From a Living Animalor from a Silicone Membrane ?

2007, Krƶber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

An artificial feeding unit with a reinforced silicone membrane to replace host skin provides ticks with a perch over blood with a tick attachment rate of 75-100%. Some 5 mg of an acaricide like fipronil is sufficient to establish survival curves over different doses down to ppb levels in blood. This in vitro feeding assay for hard ticks is more advantageous than in vivotrials on animals.

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In vitro assays for repellents and deterrents for ticks: differing effects of products when tested with attractant or arrestment stimuli

2003, McMahon, Conor, Krƶber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

Most in vivo and in vitro tests with repellents or deterrents against ticks have not considered which sensory channel is being targeted. We have recorded the responses of two hard tick species (Acari: Ixodidae) in vitro to determine if such products can disrupt the perception of an attractant in a repellent assay or the perception of an arrestment stimulus in a deterrent assay. Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate (EBAAP), N,N-diethyl-methyl-benzamide (deet), permethrin and indalone were chosen to test their capacity to inhibit the attraction of Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius to its aggregation-attachment pheromone. Vapours of each test product plus those from a synthetic blend of the pheromone were delivered to the walking tick in an air stream on a locomotion compensator. Neither EBAAP, deet, permethrin nor indalone could inhibit attraction of A. variegatum even when each of the test products was delivered at 106 times the pheromone. Indalone did decrease the attraction of A. variegatum to the pheromone and induced repulsion of A. variegatum when presented on its own in the air stream. The effect of permethrin, a sodium channel blocker, was also tested in a deterrent assay measuring the arrestment of Ixodes ricinus (L.) adults on its own faeces and faecal constituents. Permethrin deterred arrestment at doses of 670 fg/cm2 to 67 ng/cm2, i.e. at levels five times lower than the dose of chemostimuli present in the arrestment stimulus. This sensitivity to permethrin suggests that it acts via the contact chemoreception channel.

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The Dynamics of an Avoidance Behavior by Ixodid Ticks to Liquid Water

2000, Krƶber, Thomas, Guerin, Patrick

Life stages of different tick species avoid walking on a wet surface surrounding a dry patch by systematically returning to the dry each time they contact the wet surface beyond the border with the tip of a first leg tarsus. Sequential analysis of the border behaviors shows that repetitive contact with the water increases the probability of walks astride the border. Ticks accept this unilateral contact with the water for longer intervals and eventually walk on to the wet surface after a combination of a short patch walk followed by a border walk which is longer than the foregoing ones. Staying time on a small circular patch is shorter than on a large one, arising probably from faster adaptation of peripheral receptors following a higher frequency of border contacts. However, an equal number of border reactions on patches of different sizes and shapes suggests that a counter in the CNS may also influence dry patch departure.