Voici les éléments 1 - 6 sur 6
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Transnational Grandparenting: An Introduction

2019-8-1, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Wyss, Malika

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‘Doing family’ through ICT-mediated ordinary co-presence: transnational communication practices of Romanian migrants in Switzerland

2016-2-9, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Wyss, Malika

In this article, we account for the emergence of new ‘being together’ practices that transnational families develop through ICT-mediated communication. Drawing on the case of Romanian migrants in Switzerland, we show how political and technological factors, family norms and obligations, as well as individual preferences and aspirations interact and generate novel ordinary co-presence routines that rely on multiple media affordances to recreate a space for family practices and shape different ways of ‘doing family’ at a distance. This study shows how a subtle sense of each other's everyday life combines with possibilities and feelings of ‘being and doing things together’ at a distance, through multimodal interactions, reflected in ritual, omnipresent and reinforced co-presence routines. Although these routines are the drivers of new forms and feelings of togetherness, they generate ambivalent effects that range from immediate reciprocal wellbeing and emotional comfort to new expectations of solidarity, family tensions and constraints. In conclusion, ICT-mediated ordinary co-presence not only mirrors the ‘normal’ functioning of transnational families, but it also reflects, more generally, an expression of the cosmopolitanization of everyday life.

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Grandparents on the move: a multilevel framework analysis to understand diversity in Zero Generation care arrangements in Switzerland

2019-8-1, Wyss, Malika, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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Liens transnationaux et régimes de coprésence à l’ère du numérique. Le cas des migrants roumains en Suisse

2015-11-24, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Wyss, Malika

En proposant une lecture des liens transnationaux par le prisme des technologies d’information et de communication (TICs), cet article s’intéresse à l’impact de ces dernières sur les façons d’être et d’appartenir des migrants dans les sphères familiale, professionnelle et civique. Il montre que les routines de coprésence et de participation transnationale dans lesquelles le migrant est engagé via les TICs créent le ciment de modes de vie qui intègrent une composante transnationale au quotidien. Il suggère alors que loin de constituer un frein à l’adaptation à la société d’accueil, ces routines aident les migrants connectés à s’ancrer durablement dans les différents champs de la vie sociale.

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Zero Generation Grandparents Caring for their Grandchildren in Switzerland. The Diversity of Transnational Care Arrangements among EU and non-EU Migrant Families

2018, Wyss, Malika, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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Rapport scientifique final: Transnationalisme et TIC : nouveaux défis pour l’intégration des migrants en Suisse ? L’exemple des migrations roumaines

2012, Wyss, Malika, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Jacot, Sabine